Scripting: text editing
These are scripts which deal mostly with editing the text of nodes.
Some of them are also available in the editgoodies addon.
Feel free to add your own scripts here. If you give script a name using wiki text like
<groovy name="yourScriptName"> your script </groovy>
an extra download button is created for it, and it can be downloaded directly from this page.
For larger scripts there is a special Bazaar repository. Inspect it at contrib/groovy or get it via
bzr branch bzr:// [read only] bzr+ssh:// [developers only]
- 1 Set the color for all children
- 2 Transpose the two characters around the cursor (for bad typists)
- 3 Change case of words, and sort bAD CApitalisation
- 4 Clean screen editor
- 5 Insert Link to a node in another map
- 6 Inserts an inline image into node text or details
- 7 Inline linked maps into one single map
- 8 Simple plain text word count using scripts
Set the color for all children
This is an example of iteration over child nodes.
<groovy name="blueChildren"> node.children.each{ = java.awt.Color.BLUE } // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE, ON_SELECTED_NODE_RECURSIVELY}) </groovy>
Transpose the two characters around the cursor (for bad typists)
Once this script is downloaded and placed in the script directory, it should be bound to a keystroke so that it can be called without moving from the keyboard. It is now also available as part of the Edit Goodies addon, as is the script below, to change case. That's much the easiest way to install it. This version should be considered a purely instructional example.
<groovy name="transpose"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE})
// first we import the Java libraries needed // to access and manipulate the text of a node import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager import javax.swing.JEditorPane
// Then wrap the action in a "try/catch" block so that it fails gracefully // though the record is written to a largely inaccessible log file, and should be displayed better
try {
def focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.currentKeyboardFocusManager.focusOwner
// these two lines check that the cursor is inside a node being actively edited
if (focusOwner instanceof JEditorPane) { JEditorPane editor = focusOwner
// next, find the cursor position and save it in a variable
cursor = editor.caretPosition - 1
// Get a copy of the node text with all the html markup stripped out
def oldstr = htmlUtils.htmlToPlain(editor.text)
// Make a new string with the letters around the cursor changed
def newstr = oldstr.substring(0, cursor-1) + oldstr[cursor] + oldstr[cursor-1] + oldstr.substring(cursor+1)
// And write it back into the node
editor.text = newstr
// finally, put the cursor back where it was
editor.caretPosition = cursor + 1 } else { c.statusInfo = 'cannot transpose: inline editor not active' }
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.severe('cannot transpose', e)
} </groovy>
Author: user:seatrout with polish and editing by user:boercher
Change case of words, and sort bAD CApitalisation
This script, like the one above, is part of the edit goodies addon, available from the support site. If used from here, it should be bound to a key
<groovy name="caseChanger"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) // @CacheScriptContent(true)
//import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
import javax.swing.JEditorPane
import java.text.BreakIterator
// annotated a bit extra for instructional purposes
// starts with wrapping everything in a "try" block so that it crashes gracefully
try {
// first find the node we are working in def focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.currentKeyboardFocusManager.focusOwner if (focusOwner instanceof JEditorPane) { JEditorPane editor = focusOwner cursor = editor.caretPosition-1 //Here we find the cursor
oldWord=editor.getSelectedText() plaintext=htmlUtils.htmlToPlain(editor.text) // and here strip out the html for manipulating the text isBigSelection=0 selectionStart=cursor //belt and braces to initialise this, but still // first, select the word the cursor is in, or merely hanging around // if there is no text presently selected if (oldWord==null){ BreakIterator bi=BreakIterator.getWordInstance() bi.setText(plaintext) // this next bit should be simple, but is complicated by the need // to do the right thing if the cursor is at either end of a word. // the next block captures the case if it is at the beginning of a word if (bi.isBoundary(cursor) && (bi.isBoundary(cursor-1))){ if (plaintext.substring(cursor-1,cursor) ==~/[A-z]/) { //Problem! It could be a single-letter word, in which case oldWord=plaintext.substring(cursor-1,cursor) selectionStart=cursor-2 } else { oldWord=plaintext.substring(cursor, } } else { oldWord=plaintext.substring(bi.preceding(cursor), selectionStart=bi.preceding(cursor) } } // or there may be text selected, perhaps several words. in that case ... else { selectionStart=editor.getSelectionStart() selectionEnd=editor.getSelectionEnd() oldWord=plaintext.substring(selectionStart-1,selectionEnd) isBigSelection=1 //ui.informationMessage(ui.frame, oldWord, "The selection is") } // either way, now we have a selection
// and the next line does all the real work
// this next change changed to ensure that only one instance of a word is affected //(bug found in v 0.2)
// now clean everything up and put the cursor back where it was
if(isBigSelection==0){ editor.caretPosition = cursor+1 } else { editor.setCaretPosition(selectionStart) editor.moveCaretPosition(selectionEnd) }
else { c.statusInfo = 'cannot change case: inline editor not active' }
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.severe('cannot change case', e)
// acb routine to ensure only the selection is changed // could no doubt be more elegant but life is short
def changeSelectedWordOnly(text,start,oldWord,newWord){
firsthalf=text.substring(0,start) secondhalf=text.substring(start) firsthalf+secondhalf.replaceFirst(oldWord,newWord)
// And the actual cycle case routine
def cycleCase(oldWord){ if (oldWord.toUpperCase()==oldWord){ oldWord.toLowerCase() } else if (oldWord.toLowerCase()==oldWord) { oldWord[0].toUpperCase()+oldWord.substring(1).toLowerCase() } else { oldWord.toUpperCase() } } </groovy>
Author: user:seatrout with polish and editing by user:boercher
Clean screen editor
A toggle script for when you want to concentrate: will either centre the selected node, hide all others, and darken the background, or switch back to the normal bright, and possibly cluttered, view.
<groovy name="Cleanscreen"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE})
import java.awt.Color
import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController
import org.freeplane.core.ui.ColorTracker
import org.freeplane.core.util.ColorUtils
import org.freeplane.core.util.TextUtils
import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller;
import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapStyle
import org.freeplane.features.styles.MapStyleModel
def setBackgroundColor(Color actionColor) {
Controller controller = Controller.getCurrentController(); MapStyle mapStyle = (MapStyle) controller.getModeController().getExtension(MapStyle.class); MapStyleModel model = (MapStyleModel) mapStyle.getMapHook(); mapStyle.setBackgroundColor(model, actionColor);
def setBackgroundColorCode(String rgbString) {
// note Groovy gotcha in the next line -- if "paleblue" // is defined as a colour explicitly, as in // "Color paleblue=new Color(218,230,239)" // the script breaks, because variables defined in this way are not accessible inside blocks // they must instead be defined "naked" as below. // see
paleblue=new Color(218,230,239)
if ({
else {
def clearscreen(){
myname=this.node.getId() = { it.getId()==myname }
def clutterscreen(){ setBackgroundColor(Color.white) }
Author: user:seatrout with the hard bits by user:boercher
Insert Link to a node in another map
This script allows to create a link to a node in another map. Follow this procedure to insert a link:
- Open the target map and select the target node
- Execute this script (by default Tools -> Scripts -> Insert Link To Node In Other Map -> ...on one selected node. In the status line copied link will be printed
- Return to the node that should get the link (link source)
- Execute this script again. A dialog will appear asking if you want to insert the link - answer with Yes
This functionality was suggested by various people, most recently by Andrés and Paul in this discussion. <groovy name="insertLinkToNodeInOtherMap"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) import java.awt.Toolkit import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable
import javax.swing.JOptionPane
import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController import
URI getNodeUriFromClipboardIfAvailable() {
Transferable selection = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(this) if (selection == null || ! selection.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) return null String selectionAsString = selection.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor) try { def uri = new URI(selectionAsString) // only URIs with something after the '#' are proper links to nodes return uri.fragment && uri.path ? uri : null } catch (Exception e) { return null }
void copyLink() {
Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard() File file = if (file == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ui.frame, 'The map must be saved to be usable as a link target', "Freeplane", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return } URI mapUri =; clipboard.setContents(new StringSelection( + mapUri + '#' +, null) c.statusInfo = 'copied link'
URI uri = getNodeUriFromClipboardIfAvailable() if (uri != null && ! uri.path.contains( {
def title = 'Insert link to node in other map?' def result = ui.showConfirmDialog(c.selected?.delegate, title, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION) if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { boolean useRelativeUri = ResourceController.getResourceController().getProperty("links").equals("relative"); if (useRelativeUri && == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ui.frame, 'The map must be saved to be usable as a link source', "Freeplane", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } if (useRelativeUri) uri = new URI( + LinkController.toRelativeURI(, new File(uri.path)) + '#' + uri.fragment) = uri c.statusInfo = 'link inserted' } else if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { copyLink() }
} else {
} </groovy> Author: User:boercher
Inserts an inline image into node text or details
This script asks for an image file for inclusion as an inline graphics either into node details or node text. Plain texts will be converted to HTML. Thanks to Q for asking for this feature.
Requires at least Freeplane 1.2.7
<groovy name="insertInlineImage"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import java.awt.FlowLayout as FL import javax.swing.BoxLayout as BXL import javax.swing.ImageIcon import javax.swing.JFileChooser import javax.swing.JTextField import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController
def ImageIcon getIcon(String path) {
new ImageIcon(ResourceController.getResourceController().getResource(path))
def builder = new SwingBuilder() def dial = builder.dialog(title:'Insert Image', id:'insertImage', modal:true,
locationRelativeTo:ui.frame, owner:ui.frame, pack:true, show:true) { panel() { JTextField urlField boxLayout(axis:BXL.Y_AXIS) panel(alignmentX:0f) { flowLayout(alignment:FL.LEFT) label('URL') urlField = textField(id:'url', columns:30) button(action:action(closure:{ def chooser = fileChooser(fileSelectionMode:JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY) if (chooser.showOpenDialog() == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) urlField.text = chooser.selectedFile.toURL() }), icon:getIcon("/images/fileopen.png")) } panel(alignmentX:0f) { flowLayout(alignment:FL.LEFT) label('Width:') textField(id:'width', columns:3) glue() label('Height:') textField(id:'height', columns:3) } panel(alignmentX:0f) { flowLayout(alignment:FL.LEFT) label('Target:') buttonGroup().with { group -> radioButton(id:'text', text:'Node Text', selected:true, buttonGroup:group) radioButton(id:'details', text:'Node Details', buttonGroup:group) } } panel(alignmentX:0f) { flowLayout(alignment:FL.RIGHT) button(action:action(name:'OK', defaultButton:true, mnemonic:'O', enabled:bind(source:urlField, sourceProperty:'text', converter:{ it ? true : false }), closure:{variables.ok = true; dispose()})) button(action:action(name:'Cancel', mnemonic:'C', closure:{dispose()})) } }
def String insertTag(String text, String htmlTag) {
if (text == null) text = "" if ( ! text.startsWith("<html>")) text = "<html><head/><body>${text}</body></html>" return text.replace("</body>", htmlTag + "</body>")
def String imageTag(url, width, height) {
def attribs = [ "src='${url}'" ] if (width) attribs << "width='${width}'" if (height) attribs << "height='${height}'" "<img ${attribs.join(' ')} />"
def vars = builder.variables if (vars.ok) {
def imageTag = imageTag(vars.url.text, vars.width.text, vars.height.text) if (vars.details.selected) node.details = insertTag(node.detailsText, imageTag) else node.text = insertTag(node.text, imageTag)
} </groovy>
Author: User:boercher
Inline linked maps into one single map
This script replaces recursively all nodes with links to a map file (link text ending on '.mm') with the content of the respective map. Check logfile for files that could not be found/inlined. Thanks to Dennis for asking for this feature.
Requires Freeplane after 1.2.8_02. With two minor adjustments also usable with older 1.2 versions (see script text).
<groovy name="inlineLinkedMaps"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) def thisMap = def newMap = cloneMap(thisMap.root) inlineIncludes(newMap.root)
def cloneMap(rootNode) {
def newMap = c.newMap() copyProperties(newMap.root, rootNode) rootNode.children.each{ newMap.root.appendBranch(it) } inlineIncludes(newMap.root) return newMap
// copies some of the various properties a node has from source to dest def copyProperties(dest, source) {
dest.text = source.text // only after 1.2.8_02 dest.attributes = = if (source.note != null) dest.note = source.note dest.details = source.detailsText
// inserts linked maps into the node containing the link def inlineIncludes(rootNode) {
rootNode.find{ &&".mm") }.each { include -> def url = getURL(include) if (url) { def childMap = c.newMap(url) copyProperties(include, childMap.root) = null childMap.root.children.each{ child -> include.appendBranch(child) } // leads to an -ignorable- error upto 1.2.8_02 childMap.close(true, false) } }
// handles relative paths and more def getURL(node) {
try { def uri = if (uri.scheme == null || uri.scheme == 'file') { def file = new File(uri.path) if (!file.isAbsolute()) file = new File(, uri.toString()) if (!file.exists()) { logger.warn("invalid link " + file + " - cannot inline") return null } return file.toURL() } else { return uri.toURL() } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("invalid link " + + " - cannot inline", e) return null }
} </groovy>
Author: User:boercher
Simple plain text word count using scripts
This script will take the selected node(s), iterate down through subnodes, and count plain text. Notes, attributes, icons are not counted.
<groovy name="countWords"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) // Initial version: wordCount.groovy by User:cybaker // Adapted for Freeplane by User:Boercher // This script goes through all selected nodes and their subnodes and // counts the number of plain text words, not including notes. Words // are delimited by a any white space character. // // Usage: Select node(s). Run script once.
import java.text.NumberFormat;
def nodes = new HashSet() c.selecteds.each{ nodes.addAll(it.find{true}) }
def result = nodes.sum(0){ it.plainTextContent.split("\\s+").length } c.statusInfo = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(result) </groovy>
Author: User:cybaker