Add-ons (Develop)
From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
This page will provide detailed information about developing Freeplane add-ons.
Add-ons are installed in the Freeplane user directory (see Tools->Open user directory). An add-on is a package of some or all of these features, which can be installed at once.
Add-ons may contain any number of scripts and Zip files to be unpacked in the Freeplane user directory. Some of the possible applications:
- Scripts: single scripts and Script libraries, optionally with accompanying libraries/JARs/class files. This way it's possible to bundle some Groovy scripts with the JFreechart library - so there's no need to download and install the JFreechart libraries anymore.
- Icons: single icons, icon libraries or even a complete replacement of all Freeplane icons
- Plugins. Since plugins may also be installed into the Freeplane user directory, add-ons may also provide plugins (such as the Scripting or Formula plugin you know).
- Preferences.
- Translations for menu items, config options etc.
- Keyboard shortcuts (scripts only).
- Script permissions (per script).
- ...
N.B. Scripts are contained just as node text. Zips are BASE64 encoded and also inserted as node text. Script and add-ons developers should first install the Developer Tools add-on. It provides scripts that relieves you from most of the tedious work.