Scripts collection

From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Revision as of 15:25, 17 March 2014 by Kunkel321 (talk | contribs) (Added description and cites to "SaveNodesAsTXTfiles")

The first version of this Scripting article mainly consists/consisted of a port of the FreeMind script collection. Some of those scripts got a general rewrite; - especially those that were marked buggy or even broken. But I took the freedom to improve every script where it made sense. With one exception ("Sum up all subnodes...", a very long script) I have ported all scripts from the FreeMind page, regardless of how useful I found them since I believe that you will be able to learn from all of them.

Unfortunately scripts might get old over time, i.e. when scripting idioms evolve over time old scripts should be upgraded. If you find such scripts do a post in the forum.

Feel free to add your own scripts to these and this page. If you give script a name using wiki text like

<groovy name="yourScriptName">
 your script

an extra download button is created for it, and it can be downloaded directly from this page.

For larger scripts there is a special git repository [1].

A node with the last modification date of the map

This script sets the text of the status bar to the last modification timestamp of the whole map. format() is a free method of the Groovy script base class FreeplaneScriptBaseClass.

<groovy name="lastModificationDate"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) // find all nodes, collect their lastModifiedAt date and get the latest def lastModifiedAt = c.findAll().collect{ it.lastModifiedAt }.max() c.statusInfo = "The map was last modified at: " + format(lastModifiedAt, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Add up attribute values of subnodes.

This script adds up the "AMOUNT" attributes of all child nodes of a node and sets the "SUM" attribute of the selected node to the sum. The start value ensures that the argument is created always, even if the node has no children. Note that node[] returns a Convertible.

<groovy name="sumAttributeValues"> def startValue = node['AMOUNT'].to.num0 node['SUM'] = node.children.sum(startValue){ it['AMOUNT'].to.num0 } // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

To set a special formatting use the format() method again: <groovy name="sumAttributeValues"> def sum = node.children.sum(0){ it['AMOUNT'].to.num0 } node['SUM'] = format(sum, '0.0') // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

The following script does the same for the whole map.

c.findAllDepthFirst() iterates the map in the right order, starting from the leaf nodes. Uncomment the lines containing "index".

You should study how to use Groovy Collections methods like collect(), each(), sum() since this is one of most important topics for scripting beginners.

<groovy name="sumAttributeValuesRecursively"> //int index = 1 c.findAllDepthFirst().each { n ->

   def sum
   if (n.isLeaf()) {
       sum = n['AMOUNT'].to.num0
   } else {
       def startValue = n['AMOUNT'].to.num0
       sum = n.children.sum(startValue){ it['SUM'].to.num0 }
   n['SUM'] = format(sum, '0.0')
   //n['index'] = index++

} // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

Original author: User:yubrshen, general rewrite by User:Boercher for Freeplane

Sort child nodes alphabetically or by length

<groovy name="sortChildren"> def sorted = new ArrayList(node.children).sort{ it.text } def i = 0 sorted.each {

   it.moveTo(node, i++)


To sort by length: Change "it.text" to "it.text.length()". You can use every node attribute that is sortable - numbers, strings, ...

To reverse either of these sorts: Add a minus sign before "it", i.e. "-it.text.length()".

Use eachWithIndex() for an even more condensed script: <groovy name="sortChildren"> def sorted = new ArrayList(node.children).sort{ it.text } sorted.each { it, i ->

   it.moveTo(node, i)

} </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Sort attributes by name

The following script may be adjusted by changing the variable caseInsensitive or the body of the comparator.

Note that everything would be easier if attribute names were unique. Then we could use But if an attribute name appears more than once the map has less entries than the node has attributes.

Note how we define comparator as a block of code (a "Closure").

<groovy name="sortAttributes"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) def caseInsensitive = true def comparator = {

   def string = it[0]
   if (caseInsensitive)

} def nodeAttributes = node.attributes

// save original attributes def attribs = [] nodeAttributes.names.eachWithIndex { name, i ->

   attribs.add([name, nodeAttributes.get(i)])


// replace attributes nodeAttributes.clear() attribs.sort(comparator).each { k, v ->

   nodeAttributes.add(k, v)

} </groovy>

Sort attributes by value

The following script is similar and may also be adjusted by changing the variable caseInsensitive or the body of the comparator.

<groovy name="sortAttributesByValue"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) def caseInsensitive = true def comparator = {

   def string = it[1] == null ?  : it[1].toString()
   if (caseInsensitive)

} def nodeAttributes = node.attributes

// save original attributes def attribs = [] nodeAttributes.names.eachWithIndex { name, i ->

   attribs.add([name, nodeAttributes.get(i)])


// replace attributes nodeAttributes.clear() attribs.sort(comparator).each { k, v ->

   nodeAttributes.add(k, v)

} </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Set up a logger

The following code makes use of the application logger which logs to the standard Freeplane logfile. (Note: no import, no static access): <groovy>"Hello world!"); </groovy>

Import the structure of a LaTeX document as a mind map

Resulted from discussion in this forum discussion.

Note: This script is not tested - please review it and remove this note if it works.

Author: Cyril Crassin, adapted for Freeplane by User:Boercher <groovy> import javax.swing.JFileChooser

import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy


* @author Cyril Crassin
* adapted from
* by Volker Boerchers

JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser('.') chooser.showOpenDialog() File file = chooser.getSelectedFile()

if ( ! file) return

def sectionhierarchy = [ "\\part", "\\chapter", "\\section", "\\subsection", "\\subsubsection", "\\paragraph", "\\subparagraph" ]

Proxy.Node prevNode = prevLevel = 0 String curNoteText = "" String lastNoteTextAdd = ""

prevNode.text = "PhDThesis"

file.eachLine{ secFound = false for (i = 0; i<sectionhierarchy.size(); i++) { if (it.contains(sectionhierarchy[i])) { //Flush text if (curNoteText.length() > 0) { //curNoteText = curNoteText+lastNoteTextAdd curNoteText = curNoteText+"</body>\n</html>"

prevNode.text = curNoteText //c.setXmlNoteText(prevNode, curNoteText) } lastNoteTextAdd = "" curNoteText = ""

//Deal with new node openAcc = it.indexOf('{') closeAcc = it.indexOf('}')

curLevel = i sectionName = it.substring(openAcc+1, closeAcc)

while (prevLevel>=curLevel && prevNode != { prevNode = prevNode.parent prevLevel-- } def newNode = prevNode.createChild(sectionName)

prevNode = newNode prevLevel = curLevel

secFound = true break } }

if (!secFound){ if (it.length() > 0 || curNoteText.length() > 0 || lastNoteTextAdd.length() > 0){ if (curNoteText.length() == 0){ curNoteText += "<html>\n<head>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n \n</style>\n</head>\n<body>" } curNoteText += lastNoteTextAdd

lastNoteTextAdd = "

" + it + "


} } }</groovy>

Export to BibTeX

A working script for creating BibTeX files from a special formatted mindmap. A BibTeX node has an attribute "bibtex" with the kind of article as value (e.g. "article", "note"). Bibtex entry properties are given as attributes as well. Unfortunately it's currently not possible to write the attribute names other than in lower case.

The resulting BibTeX file is shown in a popup window that supports scrolling and cut 'n paste.

Tested with Freeplane 1.1 and 1.2.

<groovy name="exportToBiBTeX"> import javax.swing.*;

// for cut 'n paste: def showDialog(String text) {

   def dialog = new JDialog(ui.frame)
   dialog.setSize(350, 450)
   dialog.add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(text)))
   dialog.visible = true


def processAttribute(attr, attr_name) {

   return (attr.findAttribute(attr_name) != -1) ?
       attr_name + " = \"" + attr.get(attr_name) + "\"" :


def process(type, attr, index) {

   def all_tags = ['address', 'author', 'booktitle', 'chapter', 'edition', 'editor',
       'howpublished', 'institution', 'isbn', 'journal', 'month', 'note', 'number',
       'organization', 'pages', 'publisher', 'school', 'series', 'title', 'type',
       'volume', 'year']
   // note for Freeplane version < 1.2: there's no getAttributeNames() yet so
   //  - we can not iterate over *existing* attributes
   //  - we can not match case insensitive
   // -> should be fixed ASAP
   def tags = all_tags.collect{ processAttribute(attr, it) }
   // compact: erase nulls
   return "@" + type + "{${index.toString()}, \n  " +
       tags.grep{ it }.join(",\n  ") +


index = 1; // merge everything into one string def result = node.find{ true }.sum {

   def attr = it.attributes;
   // valid values would be: article, book, booklet, conference, inbook,
   // incollection, inproceedings, manual, mastersthesis, misc, phdthesis,
   // proceedings, techreport, unpublished
   if (attr.get('bibtex'))
       return process(attr.get('bibtex'), attr, index++);
       return ;

}; showDialog(result) </groovy>

Author: User:Leonardo, general rewrite for Freeplane by User:Boercher

Use the following script to create a map for testing purposes. It adds some "BibTeX nodes" to selected nodes: <groovy name="prepareBiBTeXTestMap"> i = 1 def makeBibEntry(node, type, tags) {

   def child = node.createChild()
   child.attributes.set('bibtex', type);
   tags.each {
       child.attributes.set(it, it + "_" + i++)


makeBibEntry(node, 'article', ['author', 'title', 'journal', 'year', 'url']) makeBibEntry(node, 'techreport', ['author', 'title', 'institution', 'year']) makeBibEntry(node, 'misc', ['author', 'url']) makeBibEntry(node, 'proceedings', ['author', 'title', 'year', 'url']) </groovy>

Export Node children as table for latex import

Simple script to export node children organised as two column tabular environment in latex. First Column is filled by child text, second column by latex equation attached to each. I assume you use \import command like:

\begin{table}[H] \input{filename.tex} \end{table}

<groovy name="node2LatexTable"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE})

// we can't use LatexExtension.class directly since the class is not public

def buildLatexRow(node,latexExtension){ def result = node.text result = result + " & " + "\$" + latexExtension.equation + "\$" + "\\\\" return result } def findLatexExtension(node) { def result = null node.delegate.extensions.values().each{ if (it.getClass().simpleName == 'LatexExtension') result = it } return result }

def fos= new FileWriter(node.text+'.tex') fos.write("\\begin{tabular}{ll}\n") fos.write("\\hline\n") node.children.each {fos.write(buildLatexRow(it,findLatexExtension(it))+"\n")} fos.write("\\hline\n") fos.write("\\end{tabular}") fos.close() </groovy>

Author: User:catamik,

Output A Map to CSV

For export to a spreadsheet for inclusion in a larger project plan. The following script creates CSV output from a mindmap and shows it in a dialog window for cut 'n paste. <groovy name="exportToCSV"> import javax.swing.*;

// for cut 'n paste: def showDialog(String text) {

   def dialog = new JDialog(ui.frame)
   dialog.setSize(350, 450)
   dialog.add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(text)))


def process(thisNode, childPosition) {

   def result = childPosition, thisNode.text
   thisNode.children.each {
       result += process(it, childPosition + 1)
   return result


def result = process(node, 0); showDialog(result.collect{ "," * it[0] + it[1] }.join("\n")) </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Output A Map to CSV Part 2

The second iteration of the export to CSV script allows different item types to be denoted by icons (here the number icons ("1", "2", ...) which then get mapped to attribute values. That way I can do things like estimate the complexity of a task by adding a number icon and then have that mapped to text like "Very Complex" in my CSV file. Here is the code:

<groovy name="exportToCSV_2"> class TreeWalker {

   def rootNode;
   def minFontSize;
   private iconMappings = [:]
   private attributeMappings = [:]
   private attributeNames = []
   def visit(thisNode, childPosition) {
       def attributes = [:]
       def nodeName = htmlUtils.htmlToPlain(thisNode.getPlainTextContent())
       def nodeLevel = thisNode.getNodeLevel(true)
       thisNode.icons.icons.each { iconName ->
           if (iconMappings[iconName]) {
               def attributeName = iconMappings[iconName]
               def attributeValue = attributeMappings[attributeName][iconName]
               attributes[attributeName] = attributeValue
       def attributeString = ""
       attributeNames.each {
           attributeString += ",${attributes[it]?attributes[it]:}"
       def nodeType = ""
       if (new Integer( < minFontSize) {
           nodeType = "Note"
       } else {
           if (attributes.Complexity) {
               nodeType = "Widget"
           } else {
               nodeType = "Heading"
       println "$nodeType,$nodeLevel,$childPosition$attributeString,\"$nodeName\""
       def i = 0
       if (thisNode.children) {
           thisNode.children.each {
               visit(it, i)
   def walk() {
       visit(rootNode, 0)
    * Add a set of mappings from icon names to values for a given attribute
   def addAttributeMapping(attributeName, mappings) {
       attributeMappings[attributeName] = mappings;
       mappings.each {
           iconMappings[it.key] = attributeName;
       attributeNames << attributeName;


def walker = new TreeWalker(rootNode:node, minFontSize:12); walker.addAttributeMapping("Complexity",

   [   "full-1":"Very Simple",
       "full-5":"Very Complex",
       "full-6":"Extremely Complex"]);


   [   "connect":"Interface",
       "page_white_cup":"Java Code",
       "cog":"Configuration/Infrastructure Setup"]);

walker.walk(); </groovy>

Author: User:Yellek, prepared for Freeplane by User:Boercher

Daves massivly cheezy Api Generator

An extended version of the original apiGenerator.groovy is part of the Freeplane standard installation and can be invoked via Help->Scripting API. For its source code see apiGenerator.groovy at github.

Author: User:Dke211 (Dave), prepared and extended for Freeplane by User:Boercher

Simple bookmark implementation using scripts

This is a rudimentary implementation of bookmarks. If set up as described below you can use a self chosen key combination to memorize the currently selected node and return to it at any later time using another key combination. A third key combination takes you to the subtree containing the recently stored bookmark and allows you to rename it. This is the basis of managing and accessing multiple named bookmarks.

Step 1: put these three scripts in your ~/.freeplane/scripts directory (or whereever you tell freeplane to look for groovy scripts)

<groovy name="setBookmark"> def findOrCreate(nodeTitle, parentNode) {

   def matches = c.find{ it.text.equals(nodeTitle)}
   return matches ? matches.getAt(0) : parentNode.createChild(nodeTitle)


def bookmarksNode = findOrCreate('Bookmarks', def recentBookmarkNode = findOrCreate('recent', bookmarksNode) = c.getSelected() </groovy>

<groovy name="gotoRecentBookmark"> def recentBookmarkNodes = c.find { it.text == 'recent' && it.parent?.text == 'Bookmarks' } if (recentBookmarkNodes) {

   def recentNode = recentBookmarkNodes.get(0).link.node
   if (recentNode) {

} </groovy>

<groovy name="gotoBookmarks"> def bookmarkNodes = c.find { it.text == 'Bookmarks' } if (bookmarkNodes) {

   def children = bookmarkNodes.get(0).children
   if (children) {

} </groovy>

Step 2: (Re)start Freeplane. Choose menu Tools/Scripts/SetBookmark and Ctrl-click on "Execute SetBookmark on one selected node". You are asked to choose a new shortcut key (combination). Do similar for the gotoRecentBookmark.groovy and gotoBookmarks.groovy scripts. Voilà.

Once setBookmark.groovy is executed, a child node named "Bookmark" will be added to the map root node. In the beginning it has one child named "recent". The latter has a local hyperlink pointing to the currently selected node. Executing gotoRecentBookmark.groovy simply follows this link. Everytime you execute setBookmark.groovy this link will be overwritten. You can rename the "recent" node to conserve the link. This is the basis of managing multiple bookmarks. For convenience, executing gotoBookmarks.groovy will take you to the first child of the "Bookmarks" node to quickly access your "Bookmark manager" subtree. From here you can manually follow the links as usual, pressing 'Ctrl-Enter' or klicking the arrow icon. Please feel free to improve the scripts and post improvements here!

TODO: make an add-on out of this!

Author: User:philshvarcz

Create a map with Firefox bookmarks

This script asks for a Firefox bookmarks-<date>.json file and presents its content as a new mindmap. Requires at least Freeplane 1.2.7

<groovy name="firefoxBookmarks"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) import import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import javax.swing.JFileChooser

def filename = ui.showInputDialog(node.delegate

  , "Provide a bookmark-<date>.json file" +
    "\n(see folder bookmarkbackups in Firefox profile directory)",
  , findBookmarkFile())

if (! filename)


def file = new File(filename) if (!file.exists()) {

   ui.errorMessage(filename + " does not exist." +
       "\nIn Firefox 'about:support' shows your profile directory")

} def json = new JsonSlurper().parse(file.newReader('UTF-8'))

def map = c.newMap() map.root.text = def handleEntry(parentNode, Map m) {

   def title = m["title"]
   def children = m["children"]
   if (! title && ! children)
   def child = parentNode.createChild(title ? title : "")
   m.each{ key, value ->
       if (key != "children") {
           child[key] = value
   def uri = m["uri"]
   try {
       // special URIs parts are not properly encoded in Firefox bookmarks
       if (uri != null)
  = uri.replace("%s", "%25s").replace("|", "%7C")
   } catch (Exception e) {
       logger.warn("cannot convert " + uri, e)
   if (children)
       children.each{ handleEntry(child, it) }


def children = json["children"] if (children != null)

   children.each{ handleEntry(map.root, it) }

def findBookmarkFile() {

   def bookmarkFiles = new TreeSet<File>()
   def locations = [
       System.getenv("APPDATA") + "\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles"
       , System.getProperty('user.home') + "/.mozilla/firefox"
   locations.each{ dir ->
       def location = new File(dir)
       if (location.exists()) {
           location.eachFileRecurse{ f ->
               if ("bookmarks[\\d-]*.json"))
   if (bookmarkFiles)
       return String.valueOf(bookmarkFiles.last()) // youngest
   return ""

} </groovy>

Author: User:boercher

Find all connected nodes

This script will find all nodes below the current node that have connections and list them under a new node created to hold the results called "connected nodes". I found this extremely useful when I have multiple connections reaching across subtrees in a large map. <groovy name="listConnectedNodes"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE})

def resultNode = node.createChild("Connected Nodes") = '#FFFF00' = node node.findAll().each {

   it.connectorsOut.each {
       def target =
       def child = resultNode.createChild("${it.source.text} --> ${target.text}")

} </groovy> Author: User:ccrick, adapted to Freeplane 1.2 by User:boercher

Find changed nodes

This script was suggested by Tobias Brown. It creates a new child node of the root node with shallow copies of the first maxCount changed nodes, ordered by modification time, starting with the most recently changed node. Note that the values in the first lines are meant for adjustment to your own preferences. <groovy name="listChangedNodes"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) // == Config BEGIN // find all nodes changed since 1970-01-01. Limit the search to the last 48 hours by: new Date() - 2 def changedSince = new Date(0L) // maximum number of displayed nodes def maxCount = 50 // maximum length of cited text def maxLength = 50 // add modification time to the node reference? def addTimestamp = true // add connector to the changed node? def addConnector = false // == Config END

def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")

// find() returns a unmodifiable list so we have to copy it in order to copy it. // The minus sign reverts the order. def matches = new ArrayList(c.find{ it.lastModifiedAt.after(changedSince) }).sort{ -it.lastModifiedAt.time }

def historyNode = historyNode.text = matches.size() + " nodes were changed since " + changedSince c.statusInfo = historyNode.text

if (matches.size() > maxCount)

   matches = matches[0..maxCount-1]

matches.each{ node ->

   def child = historyNode.createChild()
   def text = (addTimestamp ? df.format(node.lastModifiedAt) + " " : "") + node.plainTextContent
   child.text = text.length() > maxLength ? text.substring(0, maxLength-1) : text
       child.addConnectorTo(node)'#' + node.nodeID)

} </groovy> Author: User:boercher

Pomodoro Timer

To encourage focusing on doing concrete tasks, and accumulate Pomodoro credits, this script provides a Pomodoro timer against a node in mind-map. When the time reaches the break time, plays sound of applause for encouragement, and when the time is up, add the time Pomodoro time credit to the current node's attribute with the name of 'Pomodoro', and add to the root node's attribute with name of today's date.

Need to customize the path to the audio file "APPLAUSE.WAV" in function playSound.

<groovy name="pomodoro-timer"> import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import java.awt.FlowLayout as FL import javax.swing.BoxLayout as BXL import javax.swing.JFrame import groovy.beans.Bindable import java.util.timer.* import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.AudioClip; //import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Node


To encourage focusing on doing concrete tasks, and accumulate Pomodoro credits, this script provides a Pomodoro timer against a node in mind-map. 
When the time reaches the break time, plays sound of applause for encouragement, 
and when the time is up, add the time Pomodoro time credit to the current node's attribute with the name of 'Pomodoro', 
and add to the root node's attribute with name of today's date. 
Need to customize the path to the audio file "APPLAUSE.WAV" in function playSound
Developed by Yu Shen based on examples of SwingBuilder in Freeplane Forum, and other examples of timer tasks, and @Bindable found in Internet
  • /

class CountDown { // resolution: second

 int delay = 1 // seconds
 int period = 1 // seconds
 int countDownValue = 25*60 // seconds, the total value of the countDown, per Pomodoro Techniques:
 int remainingTime = countDownValue // seconds, multiple of 60 (for minute)
 int breakTime = (int) (countDownValue/5) // seconds, time for break
 int countDownTime = remainingTime
 boolean running = true
 //Node node
 def node
 TimerTaskCountDown task
 Timer timer
 CountDown (// Node
   nodeIn) { 
   node = nodeIn
   task = new TimerTaskCountDown(this)
   timer =  new Timer()
   timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, delay*1000, period*1000)
 // adaptive display for count down time, and available operation
 @Bindable String timeStr = "25:00"
 @Bindable String buttonName = 'Pause'
 public int getElapsedTime () {
   (int) ((countDownTime - remainingTime)/60) // convert to minutes
 def getValue(node, attrib) {// get valid attribute value
   def value = node.getAttributes().get(attrib)
   (value != null) ? value : 0
 void accumulateTime () { // add Pomodoro credit against current node and the root node for today's attribute
   int elapseTime =  getElapsedTime()
   if (elapseTime > 0) {
     node['Pomodoro'] = getValue(node, 'Pomodoro') + elapseTime ;
     def rootNode = node.getMap().getRootNode()
     def today = new Date()
     def formattedDate = today.format('yyyy-MM-dd')
     rootNode[formattedDate] = getValue(rootNode, formattedDate) + elapseTime
 public String secondToString(x) {
   int seconds = x % 60 ;
   int minutes =(int) (x / 60);
   return String.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds)
 public start() {
   // println "Start"
   remainingTime = countDownValue
   countDownTime = remainingTime
   running = true
   // no cancel, thus no restart
   // timer =  new Timer()
   // task = new TimerTaskCountDown(this)
   // timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, delay*1000, period*1000)
 void end () {
   accumulateTime ()
   // it would be more saving of CPU, slightly, to cancel the timer, and tasks. 
   // But my experiment didn't work. It caused the Swing Widget disappear. I'm not sure why. 
   running = false
 private static void playSound () {
   // the clip is a bit too long, annoying.
   // TODO: wish to find a way to set the current directory to the script directory, so that the script can be applicable without modification 
   System.setProperty("user.dir", "d:\\yushen\\scripts"); file = new"APPLAUSE.wav");
   AudioClip sound = Applet.newAudioClip(file.toURL());;
   println "Played sound."
 public void update() {// for timer task
   if (running) {
     if (remainingTime >= period) {
       remainingTime -= period
     } else { 
     // println "remainingTime: $remainingTime and breakTime: $breakTime"
     if (remainingTime == breakTime) {// play sound to congratulate
       playSound ()
 public void react () {
   if (running) {// pause
     end ();
   } else {// start


class TimerTaskCountDown extends TimerTask {

 CountDown model
 public TimerTaskCountDown (CountDown model) {
   // super() // not neccessary
   this.model = model
 public void run() {


CountDown model = new CountDown(node)

def s = new SwingBuilder() // s.setVariable('myDialog-properties',[:]) // seems not neccessary def dial = s.dialog(title:'Pomodoro', id:'pormodoro', modal:false, defaultCloseOperation:JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, pack:true, show:true) {

 panel() {
   panel(alignmentX:0f) {
     label text: node.text + ': '
     label text: bind {model.timeStr }
   panel(alignmentX:0f) {
     button (text: bind {model.buttonName}, actionPerformed: {model.react(); }) 



Author: User:yubrshen

Kill Empty Nodes

When pasting text from clipboard, Freeplane would split the content by newline, thus it may produce some empty node without text at all for those multiple newlines. This script removes all those empty nodes.

You can execute the script at an empty node, or at a node and recursively for its sub-nodes.

<groovy name="KillEmptyNode"> // Test the current node if it's empty, and it does not have any sub-nodes, // then delete it. // The node is empty, if it has no non-blank text.

def killEmptyNode (aNode){

   nonEmpty = /\w+/
   nodeText = aNode.getPlainText()
   // println nodeText
   if (aNode.children & !(nodeText =~ nonEmpty)) {
       // println "Found an empty node!"


killEmptyNode(node) </groovy>

Author: User:yubrshen

Create a Today GTD simple framework

Discussion here : The Freeplane Task Time Tracker

<groovy name="CreateTodayGTD"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) //ui.informationMessage(ui.frame, temp)

//import java.awt.Color; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy.Node

// ========================= Config BEGIN ========================= // create as child of selected node or child of root node ? "true" = selected node / "false" = root node def fromSelectedNode = "false" // Name of containing node def newNodeName = "Agenda" // Number of days to create def daysToCreate = 1 // Maximum number of nodes to remain unfolded def unfoldedNodes = 1 // choose your prefered date format : (ex : "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm") def dateFormat = "dd/MM/yy" // define edge color def String edgeColor = "#006699" // define edge width def edgeWidth = 2 // assign edge color like parent node ? "true" / "false" parentEdgeColor = "false" // assign edge width like parent node ? "true" / "false" parentEdgeWidth = "true" // define recurrent items within each day def daysCategories = ["Todo" , "Delegated To", "Phone Calls", "Appointments", "Meetings", "Events", "New Inbox"] // ========================= Config END =========================

// color information : // Colors codes used: clr = [ "BahamaBlue":"#006699"

       , "WildSand":"#f5f5f5"
       , "Gray":"#999999"
       , "VerdunGreen":"#336600"
       , "Orange":"#ff9933"

, "Black":"#000000" , "Yellow":"#ffff00" , "White":"#ffffff" , "Red":"#ff0000"

       , "Pink":"#ff9999"]

// Functions def void formatNode(Node node, String nodeTextColor, String nodeBgColor, nodeFontSize, String edgeColor, edgeWidth) { = 0 = nodeFontSize


def today = new Date() def f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat) todaySimple = f.format(today)

def nextday = today

if ( parentEdgeColor == "true") edgeColor =

if ( parentEdgeWidth == "true") edgeWidth =

def newNode if ( fromSelectedNode == "true"){ newNode = c.selected.createChild() } else { newNode = }

newNode.text = newNodeName // = "Step"

formatNode(newNode, clr.White, clr.Red, 14, edgeColor , edgeWidth)

i = 0 while ( i++ < daysToCreate ) { def child = newNode.createChild() child.text = f.format(nextday) child.attributes = [ "totalJournee" : ""] daysCategories.each() { def cat = child.createChild() cat.text = it }

if (i > unfoldedNodes) child.setFolded(true) nextday++ } def todayCats c.find{

   it.text == todaySimple

}.each { formatNode(it, clr.Black, clr.Yellow, 13, edgeColor , edgeWidth) (it) it.setFolded(false) todayCats = it.getChildren() }

todayCats.each{ if (it.text == "Todo") it.text = "ToDoNow" }


Author: User:Megatop

The Freeplane Task Time Tracker

This script opens a form with

discussion here : The Freeplane Task Time Tracker

condition : you have to run the CreateTodayGTD.groovy script first (see above)

<groovy name="FreeplaneTaskTimeTracker"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE})

import groovy.time.* import java.util.Timer; import javax.swing.BorderFactory import java.awt.Color import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import java.awt.FlowLayout as FL import javax.swing.BoxLayout as BXL import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JScrollPane import javax.swing.JTabbedPane import javax.swing.JOptionPane import java.awt.Font import javax.swing.ImageIcon

def colorWhite = new Color(255, 255, 255) // white def colorBlack = new Color(0, 0, 0) // black def colorRed = new Color(255, 0, 0) // red def colorBlue = new Color(225, 235, 254) // light blue def colorYellow = new Color(240, 250, 208) // light yellow def colorRose = new Color(245, 230, 229) // light rose def colorGreen = new Color(206, 253, 218) // light green def colorOrange = new Color(253, 233, 206) // light orange def colorPurple = new Color(246, 192, 251) // light purple def colorGray = new Color(255,255,255) // gray

def tabCenter = 28

def f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss" ) def fDay = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yy" ) def fTime = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "HH:mm:ss" ) def fDuree = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "HH:mm" ) def fMoisAnnee = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "MMMM yyyy", new Locale('FR'))

dateJour = fDay.format(new Date())

c.find{ it.text == dateJour }.each { today = it} today.setFolded(false)

todayChillen = today.getChildren() todayChillen.find{it.text == "ToDoNow"}.each { ToDoNow = it it.setFolded(false) }

listeNextActions = ToDoNow.getChildren()

listeNextActions.each {

it['debut'] = "" it['arret'] = "" it['fin'] = "" it['total'] = "" it['totalJour'] = ""


def totalJournee = today['totalJournee'] def tempsTotalJournee = elapsedToMillis(totalJournee)

c.find{ it.text == "ToDos"}.each{inbox = it}

def elapsedTime(diff, precision, format){

def time

long secondInMillis = 1000; long minuteInMillis = secondInMillis * 60; long hourInMillis = minuteInMillis * 60; long dayInMillis = hourInMillis * 24; long yearInMillis = dayInMillis * 365;

long elapsedYears = diff / yearInMillis; diff = diff % yearInMillis; long elapsedDays = diff / dayInMillis; diff = diff % dayInMillis; long elapsedHours = diff / hourInMillis; diff = diff % hourInMillis; long elapsedMinutes = diff / minuteInMillis; diff = diff % minuteInMillis; long elapsedSeconds = diff / secondInMillis; diff = diff % secondInMillis;

elapsedSecondsString = String.format("%02d", elapsedSeconds) elapsedMinutesString = String.format("%02d", elapsedMinutes) elapsedHoursString = String.format("%02d", elapsedHours)

if (precision == "sec" && format == "long") time = elapsedHoursString + " heures, " + elapsedMinutesString + " minutes, " + elapsedSecondsString + " secondes" if (precision == "sec" && format == "court") time = elapsedHoursString + " h " + elapsedMinutesString + " m " + elapsedSecondsString + " s"

if (precision== "min" && format == "long") time = elapsedHours + " heures, " + elapsedMinutes + " minutes" if (precision== "min" && format == "court") time = elapsedHours + " h " + elapsedMinutes + " m"

if (precision== "pomodoro" && format == "court") time = elapsedMinutesString + " m " + elapsedSecondsString + " s" return time } def elapsedToMillis(elapsed){

def elapsedInMillis if (elapsed == ""){ elapsedInMillis = 0 }else{ def elapsedHours = Integer.parseInt(elapsed[0..1]) def elapsedMinutes = Integer.parseInt(elapsed[5..6]) def elapsedSeconds = Integer.parseInt(elapsed[10..11]) elapsedInMillis = (elapsedSeconds * 1000) + (elapsedMinutes * 60 * 1000) + (elapsedHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) } return elapsedInMillis }

Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 13) Font pom = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 28)

def s = new SwingBuilder() s.setVariable('myDialog-properties', [:]) def vars = s.variables def dial = s.dialog(title: 'Freeplane Task Time Tracker', id: 'myDialog', size: [930, 542], locationRelativeTo: ui.frame, owner: ui.frame, defaultCloseOperation: JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, visible:true, show: true ) {

tabbedPane(id: 'tabs', opaque : false, tabLayoutPolicy:JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) { tabs.setFont(font)

def actionsTabName = "Actions : " + listeNextActions.size().toString() panel(name: , background: colorWhite, foreground: colorBlue) { boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS)

def totalTachesVal = "Total : " + listeNextActions.size().toString() + " actions"

def totalJour def total

def initNextActionID def initPanelID

def lastAction = "Stop"

j = -1 while ( j++ < listeNextActions.size() -1 ) { initNextActionID = listeNextActions[j].getId() initPanelID = "panel$initNextActionID"

c.find{ it.getId() == initNextActionID }.each { totalJour = elapsedToMillis(it['totalJour']) tempsTotalJournee += totalJour } }

tempsTotalJourneeVal = (elapsedTime(tempsTotalJournee, "sec", "long")).toString()

panel(id : 'summary', alignmentX: 0f, preferredSize: [900, 40]){ boxLayout(axis: BXL.X_AXIS) panel(alignmentX: 0f, background: colorWhite) { flowLayout(alignment: FL.LEFT) label ( dateJour, preferredSize: [104, 24]).setFont(font) totalTaches = label (totalTachesVal, preferredSize: [150, 24]).setFont(font) }

panel(alignmentX: 0f, background: colorWhite) { flowLayout(alignment: FL.RIGHT) label (id :'totalTemps',text: "Temps total : $tempsTotalJourneeVal", preferredSize: [270, 24]).setFont(font) } } scrollPane( verticalScrollBarPolicy:JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ,background: colorWhite) { vbox { i = -1 while ( i++ < listeNextActions.size() -1 ) {

def nextAction = listeNextActions[i].text def nextActionID = listeNextActions[i].getId() def thisNode = listeNextActions[i] def panelID = "panel$nextActionID" def doneID = "donedone$nextActionID"

def debutID def finID def diffID

c.find{ it.getId() == nextActionID }.each { if( it['totalJour'] != "") diffID = it['totalJour'].toString()

if( it['fin'] != "" ){ s."$doneID" = "checked" }else{ s."$doneID" = "unchecked" } }

thisActionOriginId = thisNode['ID'] c.find{ it.getId() == thisActionOriginId.toString() }.each { def note = it.note def details = it.details.getPlain() }

def debutID_Val = "debut" + "$i" + "Val" def debutID_ValTime = "debut" + "$i" + "Time"

def finID_Val = "fin" + "$i" + "Val" def finID_ValTime = "fin" + "$i" + "Time"

panel( id: '$panelID' , alignmentX: 0f ) { boxLayout(axis: BXL.X_AXIS)

def pane = panel(id: panelID , alignmentX: 0f , preferredSize: [100, 35], background: colorBlue , border: BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, colorGray)) { flowLayout(alignment: FL.LEFT) checkBox(id:'check$i', preferredSize: [20, 24], opaque: false, selected: (s."$doneID" == "checked" ? true : false), actionPerformed: {

c.find{ it.getId() == nextActionID }.each { if (it['fin'] == ""){ s."$doneID" = "checked" it['fin'] = it['arret'] s."$panelID".background = colorGreen }else{ it['fin'] = "" s."$doneID" = "unchecked" s."$panelID".background = colorBlue } } }) if (s."$doneID" == "checked"){ s."$panelID".background = colorGreen }else{ s."$panelID".background = colorBlue } label(id :'todo$i', text: nextAction, preferredSize: [530, 24]) button( id:'startButton$i', text:'Start', preferredSize: [60, 24], actionPerformed: {

if (lastAction == "Stop" && s."$doneID" == "unchecked"){

lastAction = "Start" activeID = nextActionID

s."$panelID".background = colorYellow

debutID_Val = new Date() debutID.text = fTime.format(debutID_Val) debutID_ValTime = debutID_Val.getTime() c.find{ it.getId() == nextActionID

}.each { if( it['debut'] == "") it['debut'] = f.format(debutID_Val) finID.text = "" } } })

button( id:'stopButton$i', text:'Stop', visible: true, preferredSize: [60, 24], actionPerformed: {

if (lastAction == "Start" && activeID == nextActionID && s."$doneID" == "unchecked"){

lastAction = "Stop" currentActionID = nextActionID j = -1 while ( j++ < listeNextActions.size() -1 ) { initNextActionID = listeNextActions[j].getId() initPanelID = "panel$initNextActionID" if (s."$doneID" == "checked"){ s."$panelID".background = colorGreen }else{ s."$panelID".background = colorBlue } } s."$panelID".background = colorRose

finID_Val = new Date() finID.text = fTime.format(finID_Val) finID_ValTime = finID_Val.getTime()

c.find{ it.getId() == nextActionID }.each { difference = finID_ValTime - debutID_ValTime it['arret'] = f.format(finID_Val)

totalJour = elapsedToMillis(it['totalJour']) totalJour += difference it['totalJour'] = (elapsedTime(totalJour, "sec", "court")).toString()

diffID.text = elapsedTime(totalJour, "sec", "court")

total = elapsedToMillis(it['total']) total += difference it['total'] = (elapsedTime(total, "sec", "court")).toString()

tempsTotalJournee += difference tempsTotalJourneeVal = (elapsedTime(tempsTotalJournee, "sec", "long")).toString() totalTemps.text = "Temps total : $tempsTotalJourneeVal" } } })

debutID = label(debutID , preferredSize: [50, 24]) finID = label(finID , preferredSize: [50, 24]) diffID = label(diffID , preferredSize: [70, 24]) } } } } } } panel(name: 'Delegated To'.center(tabCenter)) { borderLayout() splitPane() { panel(constraints: 'left') { label(text: 'Left') } panel(constraints: 'right') { label(text: 'Right') } } } panel(name: 'Phone Calls'.center(tabCenter)) { textField(text: 'Some text', columns: 15) scrollPane() { textArea(text: 'Some text', columns: 15, rows: 4) } } panel(name: 'Appointments'.center(tabCenter)) { borderLayout() splitPane() { panel(constraints: 'left') { label(text: 'Left') } panel(constraints: 'right') { label(text: 'Right') } } } panel(name: 'Meetings'.center(tabCenter)) { borderLayout() splitPane() { panel(constraints: 'left') { label(text: 'Left') } panel(constraints: 'right') { label(text: 'Right') } } } panel(name: 'Events'.center(tabCenter)) { borderLayout() splitPane() { panel(constraints: 'left') { label(text: 'Left') } panel(constraints: 'right') { label(text: 'Right') } } }

panel(name: 'Inbox'.center(tabCenter)) { boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS) panel( ){ label('new entry').setFont(font) button('ajout TodoNow', actionPerformed:{ // deactivated }) input = textField(columns:87, background: colorYellow, actionPerformed: { output.text += input.text + "\n" input.text ="" }) } panel(alignmentY: 0f,){ scrollPane(verticalScrollBarPolicy:JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { output = textArea(id="liste", text: , columns: 110, rows: 18) } } } } def togglePomPanel def task

boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS) panel(id:'Pomodoro', background: colorWhite){

togglePomPanel = "OFF" //button('Pomodoro',icon:new ImageIcon("pomodoro30x30-tr.png"), actionPerformed:{

button('Pomodoro', actionPerformed:{ if (togglePomPanel == "OFF"){ Pomodoro.background = colorRed pomodoroLabel.setForeground(colorWhite) togglePomPanel = "ON"

def pomodoroVal = pomodor.selectedItem def pomodoro = pomodoroVal*60000

use (TimerMethods) { def timer = new Timer() def fPomo = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "mm:ss" )

pomodoroLabel.text = ' ' +(elapsedTime(pomodoro, "pomodoro", "court")).toString() pomodoro -= 1000

task = timer.runEvery(1000, 1000) {

while ( pomodoro > -1000 ){ pomodoroLabel.text = ' ' + (elapsedTime(pomodoro, "pomodoro", "court")).toString() break } pomodoro -= 1000

if (pomodoro < 0 && togglePomPanel == "ON"){ Pomodoro.background = colorWhite togglePomPanel = "OFF" pomodoroLabel.setForeground(colorBlack) task.cancel() } } } } }) comboBox( id: 'pomodor', items: [60,45,25,15,10,5,2,1], selectedIndex: 2, preferredSize: [50, 24] ) label(id : 'pomodoroLabel' , ' 00 m 00 s').setFont(pom) label(icon:new ImageIcon("Progress_quarter_03.svg")) }

panel(id:'secondPanel', background: colorWhite){ button('End of session : update and quit', actionPerformed:{ ui.informationMessage(ui.frame, "this should update each tasks duration attributes and manage archiving of past tasks" ) // dispose() }) } }

// Mr Haki File: newtimer.groovy //

class GroovyTimerTask extends TimerTask {

   Closure closure
   void run() {


class TimerMethods {

   static TimerTask runEvery(Timer timer, long delay, long period, Closure codeToRun) {
       TimerTask task = new GroovyTimerTask(closure: codeToRun)
       timer.schedule task, delay, period

} </groovy> Author: User:Megatop

Using map specific storage

This script shows how to use map specific storage, that is a key/value map attached to a Freeplane mindmap. The values are String based but the API gives you Convertibles to work with instead for easier conversion to other types like dates and numbers.

The script requires at least 1.3.6 <groovy name="mapSpecificStorage"> def m =

// the basic storage is string valued but here a Convertible is returned (like for def nodeIdAsConvertible =['last_visited_node_id'] if (nodeIdAsConvertible != null) {

   def lastVisitedNode = m.node(nodeIdAsConvertible.string)
   // select() does nothing if the node does not exist anymore


// store the last location['last_visited_node_id'] =

// toggle show_icon_for_attributes. The show_icon_for_attributes is one // of the few map specific variables that Freeplane itself uses // The "bool" conversion is the new explicit conversion to boolean['show_icon_for_attributes'] = !['show_icon_for_attributes'].bool </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Resize all external images

This script resizes all "external images" to their node's maximum width as requested in the forum.

This script may require 1.3 <groovy name="autoResizeExternalImages"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) import java.awt.Dimension import javax.swing.JComponent import org.freeplane.view.swing.features.filepreview.IViewerFactory import org.freeplane.view.swing.features.filepreview.ViewerController import

def preferredWidth(NodeView nodeView) {

   JComponent content = nodeView.getContent(ViewerController.VIEWER_POSITION)
   IViewerFactory factory = content.getClientProperty(IViewerFactory.class)
   Dimension preferredSize = factory.getOriginalSize(content)
   return preferredSize.width


c.statusInfo = "setting image widths to maximumNodeWidth" int sucesses = 0 int failures = 0 c.find { it.externalObject.asBoolean() }.each {

   try {
       it.delegate.viewers.each { v ->
           def width = preferredWidth(v)
           def newZoom = / width
           println "node $it.text, maxwidth: ${}, imagewidth: $width, current zoom: ${it.externalObject.zoom}, new zoom: ${newZoom}"
           if (newZoom > 0)
               it.externalObject.zoom = newZoom
   } catch (Exception e) {
       logger.warn("can't resize $it.plainText", e)

} c.statusInfo = "set image widths to maximumNodeWidth: ${sucesses} success(es), ${failures} failure(s)" </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Check for broken links

This script that checks that every link and every external image exists. All nodes with a broken link are linked to a newly created root child node named "broken".


- Links in attributes are not checked - Inline Hyperlinks in HTML core, details and notes are not checked

<groovy name="checkLinks"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) import org.freeplane.core.resources.ResourceController import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller import org.freeplane.features.url.UrlManager import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ScriptingPermissions import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy

private URL getAbsoluteUrl(uri) {

   UrlManager urlManager = Controller.currentModeController.getExtension(UrlManager.class)
   return urlManager.getAbsoluteUrl(, uri)


private boolean checkUri(uri) {

   try {
       def url = getAbsoluteUrl(uri instanceof URI ? uri : new URI(uri))
       println "checking ${uri}..."
       if (url.getProtocol() == 'https') {
           println "will not check ${uri}"
       } else {
           def urlConnection = url.openConnection()
       return true
   } catch (Exception e) {
       println "broken link: ${uri}: ${e.message}"
       return false


private boolean isExternalLink(Proxy.Link link) {

   link.uri != null && !link.toString().startsWith('#')


private void addBrokenLink(LinkedHashMap<Proxy.Node, List<URI>> brokenLinkMap, Proxy.Node node, URI uri) {

   def list = brokenLinkMap.get(node)
   if (list == null) {
       list = new ArrayList()
       brokenLinkMap.put(node, list)


def scriptingPermissions = new ScriptingPermissions( if (!scriptingPermissions.get(scriptingPermissions.RESOURCES_EXECUTE_SCRIPTS_WITHOUT_READ_RESTRICTION)

   || !scriptingPermissions.get(scriptingPermissions.RESOURCES_EXECUTE_SCRIPTS_WITHOUT_NETWORK_RESTRICTION)) {
   throw new RuntimeException("this scripts needs file read and network access permissions")


def broken = new LinkedHashMap<Proxy.Node, List<URI>>() def countGood = 0 c.find{ isExternalLink( || it.externalObject.uri != null }.each {

   if (isExternalLink( && !checkUri(
       addBrokenLink(broken, it,
   else if (it.externalObject.uri != null && !checkUri(it.externalObject.uri))
       addBrokenLink(broken, it, new URI(it.externalObject.uri))

} if (broken) {

   def brokenLinksNode ="broken links")
   broken.each { n, uris ->
       def child = brokenLinksNode.createChild(n.text) = n
       uris.each {
           def linkNode = child.createChild(it)
  = it

} c.statusInfo = "found ${broken.size()} broken links and $countGood good links" </groovy>

Author: User:seb4stien and User:boercher

Monitor Clipboard

This script monitors the clipboard for changes adds the copied text as a child of the current node. This can be useful for creating nodes for a mindmap while reading a main document


- The script runs in a endless loop (which effectively locks the freeplane interface). As there appears no 'break' or 'esc' key combo, the script expects a blank space copied to the clipboard to terminate running, after which everything returns to normal. - Possible extensions include inserting copied images to nodes. Recognising URIs and generating links. Watching for the window which has focus and automatically creating a reference/link to the original source document based on this.

<groovy name="clipBoardMonitor"> //Script for freeplane to monitor the clipboard and create a new node containing text when it changes // This script will loop endlessly until a single space (" ") is copied, at which point it will terminate // David Mckenzie 2/2/14

import java.awt.Toolkit import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection

// define static functions to get and set clipboard text static void setClipboardContents(final String contents){ Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(contents), null) } static String getClipboardContents(){ return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null).getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor) }

// @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) curNode = node curClip = getClipboardContents() oldClip = curClip while (!curClip.equals(" ")) { // endless loop terminated if *only* a space is copied

   if (!(curClip.equals(oldClip))) {                       // check for change in the clipboard
       chldNode = node.createChild()                       // create new child
       chldNode.text = curClip                             // set the node text to the clipboard text
       Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep()                  //beep when completed
       oldClip = curClip                                   // get text from the clipboard
   curClip = getClipboardContents()

} </groovy>

Author: User:dgm5555

Save Nodes of Style X to Text Files

This is a Groovy script that, when executed, saves particular nodes as text files. Only nodes with particular Styles (i.e. Student-Boy OR Student-Girl) are saved. They are saved in the form of Node Text = Name of .TXT file (rather, the first 30 characters of the node’s text). The body of the text file = the Notes of the node. The script checks the parent of the node, and puts the text file in the corresponding subfolder. The path C:\\Users\\<Your_Name>\\CaseNotes\\Complete is shown and corresponds to this screenshot, but please substitute your own file path. Please note that this is a one-way “archive,” not a “sync.”

<groovy name="SaveNodesAsTXTfiles"> def basedir c.findAll().each {

if (it.hasStyle('Student-Boy') | it.hasStyle('Student-Girl')) {

if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cBIP')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\BIP" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cComplete')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Complete" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cEvaluations')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Evaluations" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cMisc')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Misc" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cReferrals')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Referrals" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cTransfers')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Transfers" } else if (it.parent!=null&&it.parent.text.contains('cUpcomming')) { basedir = "C:\\Users\\<your_name>\\CaseNotes\\Upcomming" } else { basedir = "" }

def title = it.plainText
     def note = it.note
     if (note) {

def filename = title.substring(0, Math.min(30, title.length())) + '.txt'

         def file = new File (basedir, filename)
         file.text = note.plain

} </groovy>

Idea: User:kunkel321, Most of the actual code: User:boercher. Also significant help from: User:jokro.