Translation How-To
From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Revision as of 03:56, 24 November 2010 by Irajawapys (talk | contribs)
This page will give you all the information you need to translate Freeplane into your own language.
Freeplane translation (ie translation of the Graphical User Interface -GUI- )
These are all the strings displayed in Freeplane, especially in menus and dialogs.
- Download Popeye translation tool
- Get the latest translation file from Freeplane translation table both for the reference language (EN recommended) and for your language
- In Popeye : create a project and do the translation, see this Flash tutorial
- Check the completeness of your translation file using TransCheck
- You can now add the new translation on your current Freeplane installation for test : in your Freeplane installation directory, create subfolders resources/translations and put your translation file there. Run Freeplane and check your translation
- When translation is ok : go to the tracker (requires Sourceforge log-in) and upload your file (the Project should be set to Translations). The development team will add your translation to the next release.
You're done!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why are translation strings ending with "[translate me]" ?
- As long as a key is missing in a translation Freeplane automatically uses "<English text> [translate me]" as translation. Translators should search and translate these strings in priority and then remove "[translate me]".
- Why is there sometimes space before values ?
- spaces before values are ignored, don't care.
- Why is there & character before some values (sometimes "in" the words) ?
- the ampersand (&) is used to mark keys in the menu (i.e. open the menu, press the key/letter to activate the menu entry) - while translating, you need to make sure that each letter is only used once per menu.
- Some values begins by <html> with no </html> at the end ?
- Java accepts unclosed tags - don't care.
- Some key are not used / displayed in the software
- you should stay aligned with the English version to be on the safe side, but if keys are not used, it's a bug you can report.
Tips for translators
- Your translation is truncated
- If your translation is truncated when displayed, it may contains a ' character (e.g. Freeplane displays "Copier l" instead of "Copier l'identifiant"), you may simply enter the ' character twice (ie "Copier l"identifiant") as translation where " is twice the character '.
Documentation map translation
This is the map mind you get when you press the <F1> key or use the menu point Help → Documentation.
- Download the latest version of <tt></tt> and <tt></tt> (or an already existing versions in your language) from the Bazaar repository.
- The current link is (but check if it's not an outdated link)
- Visit pages and to see how the documentation is automaticly translated by Google Translate.
- Using the latest development version of Freeplane, just create a map in your language (or complete the one already existing).
- As it's almost impossible to track differences between maps and ensure an exact one to one relationship between the languages, we don't expect this from translators.
- To track changes of <tt></tt> filters can be useful: Open the file in normal mindmap mode (not via F1) and apply a "Date filter" with the modification time set to the last time you have edited the translated map.
- Just make sure that the map is consistent with the current version of Freeplane, as complete as possible and helpful to users.
- Go to the tracker (requires Sourceforge log-in) and upload your map (the Project should be set to Translations).
Keys Mapping translation
Java Help translation
TBD (the current version doesn't allow for localization). Hint for later: