FreeplaneJrubyInstaller - developers

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Revision as of 22:13, 8 October 2016 by Zipizap (talk | contribs)

TODO: video example of how to use debugger to test code -> copy/paste into freeplane-script and leave or remove invokeAndWait/invokeLater

Jruby coding samples and tips

  • After editing an existing script, you dont need to restart freeplane. That is, you can just edit the ruby script, save it, and then in freeplane rerun the script, without restarting freeplane!

   # In Jruby to access a Java-class-field, use :: like this SomeJavaClass::SomeJavaField
   # Access FreeplaneVersion::XML_VERSION (see
   the_java_class = Java::org.freeplane.core.util.FreeplaneVersion
   the_value_of_field = the_java_class::XML_VERSION
   # To call a java-class-constructor, just:
   a_java_instance =
   a_java_instance =,y,z)
   # toggle folding of node branch
   node.folded = ! node.folded?     # same as:    node.setFolded( ! node.isFolded() )
   # Show message in new window
   ui.informationMessage("Hello World!")
   # Show message in status bar (bottom of freeplane) 
   c.statusInfo = "Hello World again!"
   # Description:
   #     Lambda that receives a target_node
   #     and returns an array of all ancestor nodes (including the root-node) 
   # Arguments: 
   #     target_node   - a Proxy.Node 
   # Returns:
   #     Array of nodes, where array[0] is root-node, and array[-1] is the target_node
   #    [root-node, ..., parent-of-parent-of-target_node, parent-of-target_node, target_node]
   # Usage:
   #    the_ancestry_of_node  =
   # {|n| n.text }
   #    the_ancestry_of_nodeX =
   # {|n| n.text }
   get_ancestry_array = lambda do |target_node| 
     ancestry = [target_node]
     ancestry.unshift(ancestry[0].parentNode) while ( not ancestry[0].root? )
   the_ancestry_of_node  = {|n| n.text }
   # Example:
   FreeplaneJrubyInstaller 161001 230705.png

   # Convert a java.util.List --> ruby Array
   my_java_list = node.findAll
   my_ruby_array = my_java_list.to_a

   # Show the Java-class of an object
   #=> class org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.NodeProxy

  • invokeAndWait{} or invokeLater{}:
    • do not return a value from the block (always returns nil)
   [12] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { 1 }
   => nil
   [13] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { 5 }
   => nil
   [14] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { true }
   => nil
   [15] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { "invokeAndWait always returns nil, no matter what happens inside the block" }
   => nil
   [16] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { raise "Exceptions that happen inside the invokeAndWait block are discarded, but get registered into the freeplane log file" }
   => nil

    • ruby exceptions that happen inside the block are not shown in the debug window, but they are registered in freeplane log file
   [5] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { node.thisMethodDoesNotExist }
   => nil
   [16] pry(main)> invokeAndWait { raise "Exceptions that happen inside the invokeAndWait block are discarded, but get registered into the freeplane log file" }
   => nil

   # exception is registered in freeplane logs: <freeplane_user_dir>/logs/log.0
   STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" 
   STDERR: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (NoMethodError) undefined method `thisMethodDoesNotExist' for #<Java::OrgFreeplanePluginScriptProxy::NodeProxy:0xdbe721>
   STDERR: 	at RUBY.block in evaluate_ruby((pry):6)
   STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" 
   STDERR: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) Exceptions that happen inside the invokeAndWait block are discarded, but get registered into the freeplane log file
   STDERR: 	at RUBY.block in evaluate_ruby((pry):18)

FreeplaneJrubyInstaller Addon - The making of

If you want to go even more deep into the rabbit hole, into how this addon was made, understanding the details, mechanism and design-decisions about the addon plugin and how this all came together into freeplane, then read the FreeplaneJrubyInstaller - making of.

Its a completely optional and big reading - if your starting with scripting, leave it for a latter day :)