Difference between revisions of "Script incubator"

From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Line 453: Line 453:
In [https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/e7343b63/#9ab4 this forum thread], Alexandre shares how to call freeplane menu-items from groovy script, and a small function to make it easy to call them.
In [https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/e7343b63/#9ab4 this forum thread], Alexandre shares one possible way to call freeplane menu-items from groovy script, and a small function to make it easy to call them.  
Latter Volker reminds there is already a more complete method: [http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/doc/api/org/freeplane/core/util/MenuUtils.html#executeMenuItems-java.util.List menuUtils.executeMenuItems()]  in the Freeplane Scritping API for calling menu items. To find out what is the ''menuItemKey'' of a ''menu item'', there is a tool that ships with the [http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Add-ons#Developer_Tools Developer Tools Addon] just for that.
Copy/paste them into your groovy scripts, and enjoy.  
Copy/paste them into your groovy scripts, and enjoy.  
Line 461: Line 464:
:::: In this example, 'SelectAll' is a menu item defined in Freeplane. This will select all nodes in the map.
<groovy name="script">
<groovy name="script">
import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller;
// In this example, 'SelectAllAction' is the <<menuItemKey>> corresponding to the Freeplane <<menu item>> clicable in "Navigate/Select all visible nodes".  
// This will select all nodes in the map.
def menu(action) {
    def a = Controller.getCurrentModeController().getAction(action + 'Action')
:::: Here is a list of actions I found, I think there may be others because for example I didn't find the menu item to sort the nodes. (No need to add the Action suffix, the function will add it, so to call the 'AboutAction' use only 'About')
:::: AboutAction
:::: AddConnectorAction
:::: AddElementaryConditionAction
:::: AddExecutionLinkAction
:::: AddLocalLinkAction
:::: AddMenuItemLinkAction
:::: AllMapsNodeListAction
:::: AlwaysUnfoldedNodeAction
:::: ApplyAction
:::: ApplyNoFilteringAction
:::: ApplySelectedViewConditionAction
:::: ApplyToVisibleAction
:::: AssignAttributesAction
:::: attributes_AddAttributeAction
:::: attributes_RemoveAllAttributesAction
:::: attributes_RemoveFirstAttributeAction
:::: attributes_RemoveLastAttributeAction
:::: BackAction
:::: blackAction
:::: BlinkingNodeHookAction
:::: blueAction
:::: BoldAction
:::: CancelAction
:::: CenterAction
:::: CenterSelectedNodeAction
:::: ChangeConnectorDashAction
:::: ChangeNodeLevelLeftsAction
:::: ChangeNodeLevelRightsAction
:::: ClearLinkAnchorAction
:::: CloneAction
:::: CloseAction
:::: CloudAction
:::: CloudColorAction
:::: ConnectorColorAction
:::: ConvertCloneToIndependentNodeAction
:::: CopyAction
:::: CopyIDAction
:::: CopyMapStylesAction
:::: CopyNodeURIAction
:::: CopySingleAction
:::: CopyStyleExtensionsAction
:::: CreateConjunctConditionAction
:::: CreateDisjunctConditionAction
:::: CreateNotSatisfiedConditionAction
:::: CreationModificationPluginAction
:::: CutAction
:::: DecreaseNodeFontAction
:::: defaultColorAction
:::: DeleteAction
:::: DeleteConditionAction
:::: DeleteDetailsAction
:::: DeleteLevelStyleAction
:::: DeleteUserStyleAction
:::: DocumentationAction
:::: DownConditionAction
:::: EdgeColorAction
:::: EdgeStyleAsParentAction
:::: EditAction
:::: EditAttributesAction
:::: EditDetailsAction
:::: EditDetailsInDialogAction
:::: EditFilterAction
:::: EditLongAction
:::: EditNoteInDialogAction
:::: EditStylesAction
:::: EvaluateAllAction
:::: ExecuteScriptForSelectionAction
:::: ExportAction
:::: ExportBranchAction
:::: ExternalImageAddAction
:::: ExternalImageChangeAction
:::: ExternalImageRemoveAction
:::: ExtractLinkFromTextAction
:::: FilePropertiesAction
:::: FindAction
:::: FoldAllAction
:::: FoldOneLevelAction
:::: FollowLinkAction
:::: FontFamilyAction
:::: FontSizeAction
:::: ForwardAction
:::: FreeNodeAction
:::: GettingStartedAction
:::: GotoLinkNodeAction
:::: GotoNodeAction
:::: greenAction
:::: HideAllAttributesAction
:::: HierarchicalIcons2Action
:::: HierarchicalIconsAction
:::: HotKeyInfoAction
:::: IconProgressExtended10Action
:::: IconProgressExtended25Action
:::: IconProgressIconDownAction
:::: IconProgressIconUpAction
:::: IconProgressRemoveAction
:::: ImportAction
:::: ImportBranchAction
:::: ImportExplorerFavoritesAction
:::: ImportFolderStructureAction
:::: ImportLinkedBranchAction
:::: ImportLinkedBranchWithoutRootAction
:::: IncreaseNodeFontAction
:::: ItalicAction
:::: JoinNodesAction
:::: jumpToMapAction
:::: key_type_action
:::: LatexDeleteLatexAction
:::: LatexEditLatexAction
:::: LatexInsertLatexAction
:::: MakeLinkFromAnchorAction
:::: MakeLinkToAnchorAction
:::: ManageAddOnsAction
:::: ManageConditionalStylesAction
:::: ManageNodeConditionalStylesAction
:::: MapBackgroundClearAction
:::: MapBackgroundColorAction
:::: MapBackgroundImageAction
:::: MB_QuitAction
:::: MB_ToggleMenubarAction
:::: MoveAction
:::: MoveToRootAction
:::: MP_ToggleMenubarAction
:::: NameConditionAction
:::: NavigationNextMapAction
:::: NavigationPreviousMapAction
:::: NewChildAction
:::: NewFreeNodeAction
:::: NewLevelStyleAction
:::: NewMapAction
:::: NewMapViewAction
:::: NewPreviousSiblingAction
:::: NewSiblingAction
:::: NewSummaryAction
:::: NewUserStyleAction
:::: NextPresentationItemAction
:::: NodeBackgroundColorAction
:::: NodeColorAction
:::: NodeColorBlendAction
:::: NodeDownAction
:::: NodeListAction
:::: NodeUpAction
:::: NoScriptsAvailableAction
:::: OKAction
:::: OpenAction
:::: OpenFreeplaneSiteAction
:::: OpenPathAction
:::: OpenURLMapAction
:::: OpenUserDirAction
:::: PageAction
:::: PasteAction
:::: PrintAction
:::: PrintDirectAction
:::: PrintPreviewAction
:::: PropertyAction
:::: QuickFilterAction
:::: QuickFindAllAction
:::: QuickHighlightAction
:::: QuitAction
:::: ReapplyFilterAction
:::: redAction
:::: RedefineStyleAction
:::: RedoAction
:::: RedoFilterAction
:::: ReminderHookAction
:::: RemoveAllAlwaysUnfoldedNodeFlagsAction
:::: RemoveAllIconsAction
:::: RemoveConnectorAction
:::: RemoveFormatAction
:::: removeFormattingAction
:::: RemoveIcon_0_Action
:::: RemoveIconAction
:::: RemoveNoteAction
:::: ReportBugAction
:::: RequestFeatureAction
:::: ResetNodeLocationAction
:::: ResetStyleAction
:::: RevertAction
:::: RevisionPluginAction
:::: SaveAcceleratorPresetsAction
:::: SaveAction
:::: SaveAsAction
:::: SelectAllAction
:::: SelectBranchAction
:::: selectedAction
:::: SelectedPasteAction
:::: SelectNoteAction
:::: set_accelerator_on_next_click_action
:::: SetAcceleratorOnNextClickAction
:::: SetAlwaysUnfoldedNodeFlagsAction
:::: SetImageByFileChooserAction
:::: SetLinkAnchorAction
:::: SetLinkByFileChooserAction
:::: SetLinkByTextFieldAction
:::: SetShortenerStateAction
:::: ShowAllAttributesAction
:::: ShowAncestorsAction
:::: ShowAttributeDialogAction
:::: ShowDescendantsAction
:::: ShowFilterToolbarAction
:::: ShowHideNoteAction
:::: ShowNextChildAction
:::: ShowNotesInMapAction
:::: ShowSelectedAttributesAction
:::: ShowSelectionAsRectangleAction
:::: SplitConditionAction
:::: SplitToWordsAction
:::: TimeListAction
:::: TimeManagementAction
:::: ToggleChildrenFoldedAction
:::: ToggleDetailsAction
:::: ToggleFBarAction
:::: ToggleFoldedAction
:::: ToggleFullScreenAction
:::: ToggleLeftToolbarAction
:::: ToggleMenubarAction
:::: ToggleScrollbarsAction
:::: ToggleStatusAction
:::: ToggleToolbarAction
:::: underlineAction
:::: UndoAction
:::: UndoFilterAction
:::: UnfoldAllAction
:::: UnfoldOneLevelAction
:::: UpConditionAction
:::: UpdateCheckAction
:::: UsePlainTextAction
:::: WebDocuAction
:::: ZoomInAction
:::: ZoomOutAction
:::: Best regards,
:::: Alexandre

Revision as of 11:58, 15 November 2016

A collection of scripts that might need a review before adding them to the "official" Scripts collection.

Feel free to add your own scripts to this page. If you give script a name using wiki text like

<groovy name="yourScriptName">
 your script

an extra download button is created for it, and it can be downloaded directly from this page.

Pair of scripts to increase/decrease the node-width (can be used with shortcuts!)

Since freeplane 1.5.x we can adjust the node-width with ALT+mouse-wheel, but there is currently no way to make it with keyboard shortcuts.

So these scripts aim at increasing/decreasing the node-width (the same way that ALT-mout-wheel would do), but by being scripts they will have a menu entry in "Tools/Scripts/Node Width_Increase" and "Tools/Scripts/Node Width_Decrease", making possible to create a shortcut to these menu entries, and so, to adjust the node-width with keyboard shortcuts.

How to install the scripts

  1. Download the 2 scripts from http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Script_incubator and put them inside the directory "<freeplane-user-dir>/scripts" (you can open "<freeplane-user-dir>" clicking in "Tools/Open user directory")
  2. Restart Freeplane - Verify that the 2 new scripts appear in these 2 new menu-entries "Tools/Scripts/Node Width_Increase" and "Tools/Scripts/Node Width_Decrease"
  3. [optional] Assign a shortcut-key to each of the 2 menu-entries (hold CTRL while clicking a menu-entry)

Hope it helps :)

<groovy name="NodeWidth_Increase"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE})

// zipizap, Feb2016 // Trying to solve this thread discussion [1] // Inspired by this node-width sample code [2] // Dedicated to the great and friendly freeplane community :) // UPDATE: 2016/08/16 - added improvements made by Ken Hill (see [3]) // // // [1] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/8f1d0faa/ // [2] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/108a5c74/#2d6a // [3] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/8f1d0faa/#bf45

def incr = 20

node.style.minNodeWidth += incr // node.style.maxNodeWidth = node.style.minNodeWidth </groovy>

<groovy name="NodeWidth_Decrease"> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE})

// zipizap, Feb2016 // Trying to solve this thread discussion [1] // Inspired by this node-width sample code [2] // Dedicated to the great and friendly freeplane community :) // UPDATE: 2016/08/16 - added improvements made by Ken Hill (see [3]) // // // [1] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/8f1d0faa/ // [2] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/108a5c74/#2d6a // [3] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/8f1d0faa/#bf45

def incr = 20

if(node.style.minNodeWidth > incr){ // keeps from going into negative range node.style.minNodeWidth -= incr node.style.maxNodeWidth = node.style.minNodeWidth } else{ node.style.minNodeWidth = incr node.style.maxNodeWidth = node.style.minNodeWidth } </groovy>

Author: User:zipizap

Scripts to save/restore the folding of the current map, with 2 restore-points

Trying to help out with this request, to save different folding states [1] - see the thread for more info

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/freeplane/discussion/758437/thread/10318019/?limit=25#879e

Use the save script to save the current folding of the map, and then later use the restore script to restore the saved-folding.

The folding-states are saved into the maps (.mm) file, and so are persistent across map loading. That is: you can save a folding state today, and next week when you open the same map restore the folding state

There are 2 pairs of files - save/restore_S0 and save/restore_S1 - that enable 2 restore-points.

If you need more restore points, then create more pairs of files (save/restore_S2, save/restore_S3, ...) where you will only need to change the last 2 lines of code save_restore_closure(...,"S9")

How to install the scripts

  1. Download the scripts from http://freeplane.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Script_incubator and put them inside the directory "<freeplane-user-dir>/scripts" (you can open "<freeplane-user-dir>" clicking in "Tools/Open user directory")
  2. Restart Freeplane - Verify that the new scripts appear inside menu "Tools/Scripts"
  3. [optional] Assign a shortcut-key to each of the scripts new menu-entries (hold CTRL while clicking a menu-entry)

Hope it helps :)

<groovy name="save_folds_S0"> // USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") Closure save_restore_closure =

 { String save_or_restore, String folding_state_name ->       
   // The save_or_restore variable should be given on of these two values: "save" or "restore"
   // The folding_state_name variable can be given any name without spaces or special characters. Ex: "S0" or "S1" or "S2"
   if ( save_or_restore == "save" ) {
     // save folding
     // get foldings
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = c.findAll().findAll { it.isFolded() }.collect { it.id }
       // Array of Strings 
       // [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //   'ID,xxx2',
       //    ...
       //   'ID_xxxN'
       // ]
     //folded_nodes_ids_ary.each { N(it).style.backgroundColorCode = '#0000FF' }
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = htmlUtils.toXMLEscapedText( folded_nodes_ids_ary.inspect() )
       // String xml-escaped (ready to be stored in XML file)
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     // save to map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
   } else {
     // restore folding
     // load from map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
     def result_convertible = node.map.storage[folding_state_name]
       // Convertible (see org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Convertible, use result_convertible.string to get String)
       // or null
     if (result_convertible == null) {
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = result_convertible.string
     String stringified_ary = htmlUtils.toXMLUnescapedText( stringified_ary_xml_escaped )
       // String
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = Eval.me(stringified_ary)
       // Array of Strings
       //  [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ] 
     // restore foldings
     c.findAll().each { n ->  n.setFolded( folded_nodes_ids_ary.contains(n.id) ? true : false ) }

// USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") save_restore_closure("save", "S0") //save_restore_closure("restore", "S0")


<groovy name="restore_folds_S0"> // USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") Closure save_restore_closure =

 { String save_or_restore, String folding_state_name ->       
   // The save_or_restore variable should be given on of these two values: "save" or "restore"
   // The folding_state_name variable can be given any name without spaces or special characters. Ex: "S0" or "S1" or "S2"
   if ( save_or_restore == "save" ) {
     // save folding
     // get foldings
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = c.findAll().findAll { it.isFolded() }.collect { it.id }
       // Array of Strings 
       // [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //   'ID,xxx2',
       //    ...
       //   'ID_xxxN'
       // ]
     //folded_nodes_ids_ary.each { N(it).style.backgroundColorCode = '#0000FF' }
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = htmlUtils.toXMLEscapedText( folded_nodes_ids_ary.inspect() )
       // String xml-escaped (ready to be stored in XML file)
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     // save to map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
   } else {
     // restore folding
     // load from map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
     def result_convertible = node.map.storage[folding_state_name]
       // Convertible (see org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Convertible, use result_convertible.string to get String)
       // or null
     if (result_convertible == null) {
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = result_convertible.string
     String stringified_ary = htmlUtils.toXMLUnescapedText( stringified_ary_xml_escaped )
       // String
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = Eval.me(stringified_ary)
       // Array of Strings
       //  [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ] 
     // restore foldings
     c.findAll().each { n ->  n.setFolded( folded_nodes_ids_ary.contains(n.id) ? true : false ) }

// USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") //save_restore_closure("save", "S0") save_restore_closure("restore", "S0")


<groovy name="save_folds_S1"> // USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") Closure save_restore_closure =

 { String save_or_restore, String folding_state_name ->       
   // The save_or_restore variable should be given on of these two values: "save" or "restore"
   // The folding_state_name variable can be given any name without spaces or special characters. Ex: "S0" or "S1" or "S2"
   if ( save_or_restore == "save" ) {
     // save folding
     // get foldings
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = c.findAll().findAll { it.isFolded() }.collect { it.id }
       // Array of Strings 
       // [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //   'ID,xxx2',
       //    ...
       //   'ID_xxxN'
       // ]
     //folded_nodes_ids_ary.each { N(it).style.backgroundColorCode = '#0000FF' }
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = htmlUtils.toXMLEscapedText( folded_nodes_ids_ary.inspect() )
       // String xml-escaped (ready to be stored in XML file)
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     // save to map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
   } else {
     // restore folding
     // load from map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
     def result_convertible = node.map.storage[folding_state_name]
       // Convertible (see org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Convertible, use result_convertible.string to get String)
       // or null
     if (result_convertible == null) {
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = result_convertible.string
     String stringified_ary = htmlUtils.toXMLUnescapedText( stringified_ary_xml_escaped )
       // String
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = Eval.me(stringified_ary)
       // Array of Strings
       //  [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ] 
     // restore foldings
     c.findAll().each { n ->  n.setFolded( folded_nodes_ids_ary.contains(n.id) ? true : false ) }

// USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") save_restore_closure("save", "S1") //save_restore_closure("restore", "S1")


<groovy name="restore_folds_S1"> // USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") Closure save_restore_closure =

 { String save_or_restore, String folding_state_name ->       
   // The save_or_restore variable should be given on of these two values: "save" or "restore"
   // The folding_state_name variable can be given any name without spaces or special characters. Ex: "S0" or "S1" or "S2"
   if ( save_or_restore == "save" ) {
     // save folding
     // get foldings
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = c.findAll().findAll { it.isFolded() }.collect { it.id }
       // Array of Strings 
       // [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //   'ID,xxx2',
       //    ...
       //   'ID_xxxN'
       // ]
     //folded_nodes_ids_ary.each { N(it).style.backgroundColorCode = '#0000FF' }
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = htmlUtils.toXMLEscapedText( folded_nodes_ids_ary.inspect() )
       // String xml-escaped (ready to be stored in XML file)
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     // save to map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
   } else {
     // restore folding
     // load from map stringified_ary_xml_escaped
     def result_convertible = node.map.storage[folding_state_name]
       // Convertible (see org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Convertible, use result_convertible.string to get String)
       // or null
     if (result_convertible == null) {
     String stringified_ary_xml_escaped = result_convertible.string
     String stringified_ary = htmlUtils.toXMLUnescapedText( stringified_ary_xml_escaped )
       // String
       // "[ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ]"
     def folded_nodes_ids_ary = Eval.me(stringified_ary)
       // Array of Strings
       //  [ 'ID_xxx1',
       //    'ID,xxx2',
       //     ...
       //    'ID_xxxN'
       //  ] 
     // restore foldings
     c.findAll().each { n ->  n.setFolded( folded_nodes_ids_ary.contains(n.id) ? true : false ) }

// USAGE: save_restore_closure("save"|"restore", "S0"|"S1"|"S2") //save_restore_closure("save", "S1") save_restore_closure("restore", "S1")


Author: User:zipizap

Helper methods to manipulate html-formatted text

In this forum thread, Alexandre shares groovy methods that help to manipulate an html-formatted text.

Copy/paste them into your groovy scripts, and enjoy.

Show your love and appreciation in the forum thread :)

So use ReplaceWithFormat to replace text in the html and you can use FindWithFormat to search the html. FindWithFormat allows to use for example the caret (^) for the beginning of string which is not possible when there is the html header tags...I use it to check if some string exists at the beginning of a node. ReplaceWithFormat allows also to use the caret char to replace at the beginning of a string, which I use to insert text at the beginning of a node. I am not sure if it works for appending at the end ($) I didn't test for that as I don't need it for now.

<groovy name="html_text_methods">

def AddHtmlTags(text) { return '<html><head><body>

' + text + '

</body></head></html>' }

def RemoveHtmlTags(text) {

   def strippedText = text.replaceAll('<(html|head|body|p)>', )
   strippedText = strippedText.replaceAll('</(html|head|body|p)>', )
   strippedText = strippedText.replaceAll('\n', )
   strippedText = strippedText.replaceAll('^\\s*', )
   return strippedText


def ReplaceWithFormat(pNode, pattern, replacement) {

   def strippedText = RemoveHtmlTags(pNode.text)
   def replacedText = strippedText.replaceAll(pattern, replacement)
   return AddHtmlTags(replacedText)

def FindWithFormat(pNode, pattern) {

   def strippedText = RemoveHtmlTags(pNode.text)
   if (strippedText =~ /${pattern}/)
       return true
       return false

} </groovy>

How to call freeplane menu-items from groovy script

In this forum thread, Alexandre shares one possible way to call freeplane menu-items from groovy script, and a small function to make it easy to call them.

Latter Volker reminds there is already a more complete method: menuUtils.executeMenuItems() in the Freeplane Scritping API for calling menu items. To find out what is the menuItemKey of a menu item, there is a tool that ships with the Developer Tools Addon just for that.

Copy/paste them into your groovy scripts, and enjoy.

Show your love and appreciation in the forum thread :)

<groovy name="script"> // In this example, 'SelectAllAction' is the <<menuItemKey>> corresponding to the Freeplane <<menu item>> clicable in "Navigate/Select all visible nodes". // This will select all nodes in the map.

