Difference between revisions of "Scripts collection"

From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Line 34: Line 34:
// exclude all selected (timestamp) nodes from the search since their
// exclude all selected (timestamp) nodes from the search since their
// modification should not count
// modification should not count
lastModifiedAt = getLastModifiedAtRecursive(node.rootNode, c.selecteds.collect{it.nodeID})
// note: before Freeplane 1.0.39 it has to be node.rootNode instead of node.map.rootNode
lastModifiedAt = getLastModifiedAtRecursive(node.map.rootNode, c.selecteds.collect{it.nodeID})
f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss")
f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss")
node.setText("The map was last modified at: " + f.format(lastModifiedAt));
node.setText("The map was last modified at: " + f.format(lastModifiedAt));

Revision as of 03:38, 1 February 2010

The first version of the article mainly consists/consisted of a port of the FreeMind script collection. Some of those scripts got a general rewrite; - escpecially those that were marked buggy or even broken. But I took the freedom to (hopefully) improve every script were it made sense. With one exception ("Sum up all subnodes...", a very long script) I have ported all scripts from the FreeMind page, no matter how useful I found them since I believe that you will be able to learn from all of them.

Feel free to add your own scripts to this page.

Unfortunately I do not know some authors of the scripts, so I can't give them proper reference. Please help me to identify them.

Volker Börchers

A node with the last modification date of the map

This script sets the text of the selected node to the last modification timestamp of the whole map, not counting selected node. (So that executing the script multiple times will not change the text.)

<groovy> // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.NodeProxy;

def getLastModifiedAt(NodeProxy node, List nodeIdsToOmit) {

   return nodeIdsToOmit.contains(node.nodeID) ? new Date(0) : node.node.getHistoryInformation().lastModifiedAt


def getLastModifiedAtRecursive(NodeProxy node, List nodeIdsToOmit) {

   thisLastModifiedAt = getLastModifiedAt(node, nodeIdsToOmit)
   if (node.children.isEmpty())
      return thisLastModifiedAt
   lastModifiedAt = node.children.collect{getLastModifiedAtRecursive(it, nodeIdsToOmit)}.max()
   return thisLastModifiedAt.after(lastModifiedAt) ? thisLastModifiedAt : lastModifiedAt;


// exclude all selected (timestamp) nodes from the search since their // modification should not count // note: before Freeplane 1.0.39 it has to be node.rootNode instead of node.map.rootNode lastModifiedAt = getLastModifiedAtRecursive(node.map.rootNode, c.selecteds.collect{it.nodeID}) f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss") node.setText("The map was last modified at: " + f.format(lastModifiedAt)); </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Prepend the modified date at the beginning of the node text

This is a port of the respective script on the FreemindPage. Note that node has type NodeProxy (mostly to enable Undo support) so you have to invoke node.getNode() to get access to the HistoryInformation.

<groovy> =(new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy")).format(node.getNode().getHistoryInformation().getLastModifiedAt()) +

  " " + node.getText()

// @ExecutionModes({ON_SINGLE_NODE}) </groovy>

By using Groovy properties we can condense the script a bit: <groovy> =new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy").format(node.node.historyInformation.lastModifiedAt) +

   " " + node.text

// @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

Add up attribute values of subnodes.

This script adds up the "AMOUNT" attributes of all child nodes of a node and sets the "AMOUNT" attribute of the selected node to the sum.

<groovy> import java.text.NumberFormat;

attrib = "AMOUNT"

def get(node) {

   text = node.getAttributes().get(attrib)
   if (text != null && text.isDouble())
       return text.toDouble()
   return 0

} node.getAttributes().set(attrib, NumberFormat.getInstance().format(node.children.sum{get(it)})) // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

The following script does the same, but recursively, i.e. called for the root node it updates the complete map so that each parent node has the "AMOUNT" attribute set to the sum of all children, grandchildren and so on.

<groovy> import java.text.NumberFormat;

attrib = "AMOUNT"

def get(node) {

   text = node.getAttributes().get(attrib)
   if (text != null && text.isDouble())
       return text.toDouble()
   return 0


def set(node, amount) {

   node.getAttributes().set(attrib, NumberFormat.getInstance().format(amount))


def setAndReturnSum(node) {

   if (node.isLeaf()) {
       return get(node)
   else {
       total = node.children.sum{ setAndReturnSum(it) }
       set(node, total)
       return total


setAndReturnSum(node) // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE}) </groovy>

Author: User:yubrshen, general rewrite by User:Boercher for Freeplane

Set the color for all children

This is an example of iteration over child nodes.

<groovy> node.children.each{ it.style.nodeTextColor = java.awt.Color.BLUE } // @ExecutionModes({ON_SELECTED_NODE, ON_SELECTED_NODE_RECURSIVELY}) </groovy>

Sort child nodes alphabetically

<groovy> sorted = new java.util.ArrayList(node.children).sort{ it.text } i = 0 sorted.each {

   it.moveTo(node, i++)


Author: User:Boercher

Set up a logger

The following code makes use of the application logger, provided by LogTool.

<groovy> import org.freeplane.core.util.LogTool; LogTool.info(" ******* Logger set up for script"); </groovy>

Export to BibTeX

A working script for creating BibTeX files from a special formatted mindmap. A BibTeX node has an attribute "bibtex" with the kind of article as value (e.g. "article", "note"). Bibtex entry properties are given as attributes as well. Unfortunately it's currently not possible to write the attribute names other than in lower case.

The resulting BibTeX file is shown in a popup window that supports scrolling and cut 'n paste.

<groovy> import javax.swing.*; import org.freeplane.core.ui.components.UITools;

// for cut 'n paste: def showDialog(String text) {

   dialog = new JDialog(UITools.getFrame())
   dialog.setSize(350, 450)
   dialog.add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(text)))


all_tags = ['address', 'author', 'booktitle', 'chapter', 'edition', 'editor',

   'howpublished', 'institution', 'isbn', 'journal', 'month', 'note', 'number',
   'organization', 'pages', 'publisher', 'school', 'series', 'title', 'type',
   'volume', 'year']

def processAttribute(attr, attr_name) {

   return (attr.findAttribute(attr_name) != -1) ?
       attr_name + " = \"" + attr.get(attr_name) + "\"" :


def process(type, attr, index) {

   // note: there's no getAttributeNames() yet so
   //  - we can not iterate over *existing* attributes
   //  - we can not match case insensitive
   // -> should be fixed ASAP
   tags = all_tags.collect { processAttribute(attr, it) }
   // compact: erase nulls
   return "@" + type + "{${index.toString()}, \n  " +
       tags.grep { !it.is(null) }.join(",\n  ") +


def getChildrenRecursive(node) {

   if (node.isLeaf()) {
       return [node];
   else {
       // father and sons
       return [node] + node.children.collect{ getChildrenRecursive(it) }.flatten();


index = 1; // merge everything into one string result = getChildrenRecursive(node).sum {

   attr = it.attributes;
   // valid values would be: article, book, booklet, conference, inbook,
   // incollection, inproceedings, manual, mastersthesis, misc, phdthesis,
   // proceedings, techreport, unpublished
   if (attr.get('bibtex'))
       return process(attr.get('bibtex'), attr, index++);
       return ;

}; showDialog(result) </groovy>

Author: User:Leonardo, general rewrite for Freeplane by User:Boercher

Use the following script to create a map for testing purposes. It adds some "BibTeX nodes" to selected nodes: <groovy> i = 1 def makeBibEntry(node, type, tags) {

   child = node.createChild()
   child.attributes.set('bibtex', type);
   tags.each {
       child.attributes.set(it, it + "_" + i++)


makeBibEntry(node, 'article', ['author', 'title', 'journal', 'year', 'url']) makeBibEntry(node, 'techreport', ['author', 'title', 'institution', 'year']) makeBibEntry(node, 'misc', ['author', 'url']) makeBibEntry(node, 'proceedings', ['author', 'title', 'year', 'url']) </groovy>

Sum up all subnodes recursively for attributes

Did not try to port this script due to its length. Tell me if you would like to see it here.

Output A Map to CSV

For export to a spreadsheet for inclusion in a larger project plan. The following script creates CSV output from a mindmap and shows it in a dialog window for cut 'n paste. <groovy> import javax.swing.*; import org.freeplane.core.ui.components.UITools;

// for cut 'n paste: def showDialog(String text) {

   dialog = new JDialog(UITools.getFrame())
   dialog.setSize(350, 450)
   dialog.add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(text)))


def process(thisNode, childPosition) {

   result = childPosition, thisNode.text
   thisNode.children.each {
       result += process(it, childPosition + 1)
   return result


result = process(node, 0); showDialog(result.collect{ "," * it[0] + it[1] }.join("\n")) </groovy>

Author: User:Boercher

Output A Map to CSV Part 2

The second iteration of the estimate to CSV script allows different item types to be denoted by icons (here the number icons ("1", "2", ...) which then get mapped to attribute values. That way I can do things like estimate the complexity of a task by adding a number icon and then have that mapped to text like "Very Complex" in my CSV file. Here is the code:

<groovy> import org.freeplane.core.util.HtmlTools

class TreeWalker {

   def rootNode;
   def minFontSize;
   private iconMappings = [:]
   private attributeMappings = [:]
   private attributeNames = []
   def visit(thisNode, childPosition) {
       def attributes = [:]
       def nodeName = HtmlTools.htmlToPlain(thisNode.getPlainTextContent())
       def nodeLevel = thisNode.getNodeLevel(true)
       thisNode.icons.icons.each { iconName ->
           if (iconMappings[iconName]) {
               def attributeName = iconMappings[iconName]
               def attributeValue = attributeMappings[attributeName][iconName]
               attributes[attributeName] = attributeValue
       def attributeString = ""
       attributeNames.each {
           attributeString += ",${attributes[it]?attributes[it]:}"
       def nodeType = ""
       if (new Integer(thisNode.style.font.size) < minFontSize) {
           nodeType = "Note"
       } else {
           if (attributes.Complexity) {
               nodeType = "Widget"
           } else {
               nodeType = "Heading"
       println "$nodeType,$nodeLevel,$childPosition$attributeString,\"$nodeName\""
       def i = 0
       if (thisNode.children) {
           thisNode.children.each {
               visit(it, i)
   def walk() {
       visit(rootNode, 0)
    * Add a set of mappings from icon names to values for a given attribute
   def addAttributeMapping(attributeName, mappings) {
       attributeMappings[attributeName] = mappings;
       mappings.each {
           iconMappings[it.key] = attributeName;
       attributeNames << attributeName;


def walker = new TreeWalker(rootNode:node, minFontSize:12); walker.addAttributeMapping("Complexity",

   [   "full-1":"Very Simple",
       "full-5":"Very Complex",
       "full-6":"Extremely Complex"]);


   [   "connect":"Interface",
       "page_white_cup":"Java Code",
       "cog":"Configuration/Infrastructure Setup"]);

walker.walk(); </groovy>

Author: User:Yellek, prepared for Freeplane by User:Boercher

Daves massivly cheezy Api Generator

If you are lazy (like me) and dont wan't to look through the source code to find the api for the node and c variables, use this to make a somewhat cheezy mindmap/api

<groovy> def lastSection(Str){

   String[] p;
   p = Str.split("\\.");
   return p[p.size()-1];


def newChildNode(node, method){

   apiNode    = node.createChild(0);
   returnType = apiNode.createChild(0);
   iProto     = apiNode.createChild(1);
   def text = method.toString();
   String[] parts;
   parts = text.split(" ");
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   sb.append(" ");
   sb.append(" ");
   def Class[] parms;
   parms = method.getParameterTypes();
   protoTxt = new StringBuffer();
   if(parms.size() >0){
       for(i in 0..parms.size()-1){


def makeApi(node, object) {

   node = node.createChild()
   node.text = object.class.name
   methods = object.getClass().getMethods()
   for(i in 0..<methods.size()){
       newChildNode(node, methods[i]);


makeApi(node, node) makeApi(node, c) </groovy>

Author: User:Dke211 (Dave), prepared for Freeplane by User:Boercher